Saturday, April 2, 2016

Selling cruises to Norway after Storskog was closed: – Can not exclude that … –

(Dagbladet): Dagbladet wrote yesterday about how Russian police now hunts more traffickers in Murmansk. The smugglers will in fact have sold berths for refugees from Murmansk and across the sea to Norway.

It’s a whole new refugee route, which has never been adopted. The trade was discovered by Russian authorities before the refugees managed to reach the sea.

Police Immigration say they fear that a new refugee route will occur over the ocean here, but they can not rule it out.

Two groups bought the tour

There were two group of refugees who had bought the boat trip to Norway, according to Russian media. One was around ten pieces from Syria and Egypt, the other an unknown quantity from Iran and Bangladesh. After being transported to Murmansk in cars, they were placed in apartments, writes

There they would wait for the boats to Norway.

– I gave money to Aleks, eighteen thousand dollars. He told me that everything was in order, the border is open, and that we can cross it by boat, one of the refugees told GTRKMurman.

No changes for Turkey

Turkey and EU now launched its large-scale plan to stop flow of refugees to Europe. The plan implies that all refugees and migrants who are now coming to Greece by boat, to be returned to Turkey. It has given rise to speculation about the smugglers find new routes and new routes into Europe.

New tours to sell, such as through Russia and into Norway by boat.

– Have there been indications that such a route materializes?

– No, not beyond this issue, and there never traveled refugees from Murmansk, says PUs communications manager Cecilie Johansen told Dagbladet.

PU have not seen any changes in refugee arrivals in northern EU / Turkey agreement came into place.

– How safe is PU that there should be a greater flow of refugees across Storskog year?

– Pu may like said not rule out that there may be a new route to the north, and can not exclude that refugees can again come to Storskog border post, says Johansen PU Dagbladet.

Will deported

After many refugees last year came to Russia on a tourist visa to travel on to Norway and Finland and apply for asylum, changed Russia’s visa practices. It would make it more difficult for refugees to use Russia as a transit country. The purpose was to check the visa application from certain countries in particular – the countries where it is estimated that there may be many asylum seekers.

The over 10 fugitives who bought the boat dock, had bought a tourist visa. They will now be deportation from Russia.


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