Friday, April 15, 2016

Children in Oslo buying alcohol in liquor taxis – Romsdals Budstikke

– To obtain a liquor taxi is very easy, as easy as ordering a pizza. It’s harder to go to the store and buy beer, because then you have to have a fake ID or know someone who is 18, says students at Hartvig Nissen high school to NRK. All are at least 18 years, but know well the phenomenon.

Both emergency and police are worried about the deadly rapture kids exposed to. Doctor Odd Martin Vallersnes says it creepy with spirits is that the rapture comes fast and it is difficult to calculate how affected they are.

– Another scary thing with alcohol taxi is that they never know where the booze is coming from, and the risk is that this is not liquor at all, but methanol, ie wood alcohol, and it is very dangerous to ingest, says Vallersnes.

methanol is highly toxic and even small doses can cause blindness or death. It is difficult to distinguish between the methanol and normal alcohol. They have the same look, smell and taste. Gets in his methanol, will be about a day after the rapture get sick. Then come headache, vomiting, abdominal pain and severe thirst, and a common complication is thus blindness.

Several people have lost their lives as a result of methanol poisoning in recent years. In 2001 and 2002 dead at least 18 people after drinking bootleg that turned out to be methanol. More bootleggers were in 2005 sentenced to long prison sentences for manslaughter and murder. (© NTB)


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