Friday, March 18, 2016

Thus the Easter weather – Sunnmørsposten

State Meteorologist Hakon Mjelstad at the Meteorological Institute believes there are varying påskevær in Western Norway. Central Norway can expect rain most days of Easter.

– Mostly becomes northwesterly wind, but it’s not so bad compared to what they are accustomed to, he said.

More og Romsdal and Trøndelag comes precipitation as rain on the coast but slightly inland precipitation falls as snow. The temperature maximum reach 5 to 7 degrees.

– Central Norway seems to be værtaperne, but it will not drittær. Only much weather, says Mjelstad said.

In Sogn og Fjordane will be some rain, but it comes less further south. Because of cooling wind and clouds, the temperature is low, and it will at most reach 6 to 8 degrees.

Meteorologist Mjelstad adding that this year’s Easter country as a whole gets colder than what many are used to but that this is primarily related to an early Easter.

Do you ski?

According to long-term forecasts on gets from Sunday precipitation in the form of snow almost all Easter week at Strandafjellet. Temperatures will be on from minus six to ca. zero degrees.

For Bjorli there are reports temperatures between minus six and plus four degrees. Temperatures can reach up to five degrees also on Ørskogfjellet.

The forecast for Stryn ski shows little colder weather, but even here there may be a few degrees at Easter.

In both Volda and Ørsta ski the temperature will be above zero, and rain seems to come mostly as rain.

Are you going to Dombås during Easter, it seems that you get less rain, but also where the temperatures range on both sides of zero.

Friday and Saturday

State meteorologist Nina Larsgård has only an overview of the next two days when contact Thursday evening. Tomorrow, Friday, it becomes a little wind from the north and north-westerly direction.

– You may wind increases to fresh breeze on the coast and in the mountains throughout the day. The weather is cloudy with some drizzle and rain, said Larsgård.

The precipitation will come as snow above 300 meters.

– Looking at Saturday, increasing the wind to small and somewhat stiff breeze on the coast and in the mountains. Still it becomes cloudy and rain, but snow ca. 5-700 meters above sea level, says Larsgård to on short notice.

Finest further south

Southern and Eastern Norway gets the best Easter weather, while Central Norway are værtaperen lower temperatures and rainfall next week, writes NTB.

– Revision melody is that it is mostly nicely in Southern and Eastern Norway, but the temperature is not as high as earlier this week, said duty meteorologist Haakon Mjelstad at the Meteorological Institute .

At the highest he expects it gets 10 degrees. Precipitation there is little of, and the snow that has not already melted, it probably saved when the night frost.

– In the mountains there will be mostly freezing temperatures, says Mjelstad.

can gleam

Further north is the sound the same, with a northwesterly wind, pålandsvær and evenly bygevær. Finnmarksvidda and eastern Finnmark remain somewhat sheltered, and here it is therefore not as bad weather.

– In Finnmark and Troms gets below zero all the time, while in Nordland may be some plus degrees in the day, says Mjelstad.

Easter weather can gleam with a sunny occasionally, but it’s hard to say when it will eventually come. Meteorologist therefore closes with some comforting words:

– It is rare bad weather for a whole week at a stretch!


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