Saturday, March 12, 2016

The police were called out after notification of the man abducted by masked men – were … – TV 2

On Saturday morning just over eight o’clock police got in college notice of a kidnapping and abduction of a man. Predators should be masked and armed, and police who managed to place.

It turned out to be something far less dramatic was happening: Some held namely a bachelor party, where the effects obviously seemed a bit for true on those not known to stunt.

– the moral will be to notify the police in advance next time, says operations Eyvind Formo in Agder police, after police Saturday morning came out to the alleged abduction of one man in Øvrebø Vennesla in Vest-Agder.

It was the neighbors who alerted the police about the incident, which proved to be a planned bachelor party. (© NTB)

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