Tuesday, March 15, 2016

More abuse of police job for sexual intercourse – Dagbladet.no

Sexually offensive behavior, drunk driving and breach of confidentiality to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend.

There are some of the offenses police officers police officers were punished for the past year.

Last year, a total of 1 151 cases reported to the Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of police Affairs. In 27 cases, or two percent, it was reacted with fines, indictment or waiver.

A trend for 2015 is that police officers abusing their position to obtain sexual intercourse. It appears in the foreword to the annual report to the Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs.

Head of Bureau, Jan Egil Presthus, says to NRK that it is about three to five cases in 2015.

– in the police, there must be a paradox when such issues arise, it is a fairly strict conduct requirements for police officers, also on leisure. It is extremely important that police officers are conscious and orderly, says Presthus.

The Bureau investigates cases where police employees and prosecutors are reviewed for having committed offenses in service.



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