Friday, March 18, 2016

Krekar set free – NRK

Krekar’s lawyer Brynjar Meling victory in ein comment to NRK that this is ein tumbling for legal protection.

Today lasted it thus holding procedures in the case where Mullah Krekar, or Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad as he eigentleg heiter, anka dome in Oslo District Court last October. Where he lasted convicted of having set up threats against ein Kurdish man who had burned the Koran. He lasted also convicted of having encouraged others to kill this Kurdish man.

Unknown shoulder

Saka started in the High Court on Monday this veka. After the procedure, today emphasized the jury back, and they comet out again with a decision-making. It lasted no on both dei two counts.

vIDEO: see interview with Brynjar Meling.

vIDEO: See interview with Brynjar Meling .

Vegard Roda, police inspector of the Oslo police, the follow comments:

– We are surprised over the result, after that court samrøystes arrived at conviction. Beyond that we have no comment.

Cathedral in October listened to jail for a year and a half years.

Today said the jury “not shoulder” on both these indictment checkpoints, and Mullah Krekar lasted set free. He is no at home together with his family.

defense Brynjar Meling says that this is primarily ein tumbling for legal protection, for religion The freedom, for freedom The freedom and ultimately for Norway as rule of law.

Meling victory also that Mullah Krekar thanked the jury and the court that he fekk enclose forward the matter say. He said he had renewed belief in the Norwegian legal system.

VIDEO: See the interview with Krekar in 2015

vIDEO: See interview with Krekar in 2015

New trial in June

Krekar mode is still accused of plotting terror, and the request from the Italian police will this story before the court in June. Italian police believes Krekar is one part of an alleged terror network goes under namnet Rawti SHAX.

– he is crystal clear that he not have something with terror as to warrant making, and now is preparing ourselves for the case be up in June, says Meling. he adds that the Italian authorities have passed away from the requirement of detention, and thus is the mullah again ein free man.

Italian police has itself requires Krekar extradited to Italy, and it is among other things this court will decide in June.

Law professor Mads Andenæs believes it is important that ein so unpopular and reviled person as Mullah Krekar get a fair hearing in the courts.

Photo: NRK

It cited NRK interviewed in February last year, came well ein monthly after that Krekar had finished zone ein prison sentence of two years and ten months in a case that concerned threats against Conservative Party-owner Erna Solberg plus three Kurdish men.

reigns from new interview

Brynjar Meling says to NRK that he will raw Mullah Krekar from asking in a new interview to explain his views on the matter, because he feared it could lead to select another arrest. he says that he no is going to work for the client not be extradited to Italy.

he notes that ein British court nyleg ruled that three kurdarar, belonging to the same network that Krekar, not be extradited to Italy.

Meling recalls that Krekar has done is to show what the Koran and the sharia Act victory to burn Koran , that is death. He has itself does not added anything personal meaningfulness or threats in it, he says.

– Fair treatment

Law professor Mads Andenæs at the University of Oslo is not surprised at the outcome of the jury.

– There was considerable doubt after the judgment of the district court. Then came the matter for consideration by the jury will consist of a jury and three experienced dommarar, so it is clear that Krekar has received a fair treatment, victory Andenæs NRK.

He believes that several politicians have crossed the line when they has spoken out about Krekar, and that it blocks the court to honor that they have not laze influence.

– it is important that ein man who is so unpopular, that gets so many displeasure, as is ein edge of society, that he gets a fair treatment. And that he has received, put he added.

Mullah Krekar sentenced to eighteen months in prison

Pointing out Krekar as head of the terrorist network

Norway has received formal extradition request for Krekar


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