Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Breivik have prepared new monologue in court – VG

SKIEN (AP) Anders Behring Breivik (37) mean time in prison has deprived him of the opportunity to connect with other people.

In his explanation in Skien prison Wednesday took Breivik including up that he almost did not have contact with others in the prison and that officers have been instructed not to talk to him.

– I had practically no human contact in two years, except days where I talked to health. When I was transferred to Skien, it was initially the same practice. So did the officers eventually allowed to talk to me, says Breivik.

Eventually, he received one hour visitation with officers at the prison, according to lawyer Storrvik, which Breivik explains that “not so much”. In March 2014 got Breivik one besøksvenn, which according to him is a “good security aware commented” major in defense.

– We have good conversations, but he’s not allowed to frater locate me, he informs.

talks with Major happens through a glass partition twice a month, according to Breivik.

– I have not had contact with people outside officers without glass wall in recent years. Except once with my mother before she died, says Breivik.

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Psychiatrist: – How is the system

– Any detention is a restriction of human rights. Such is the system, says psychiatrist Paul Hartvig who follows Breivik explanation, VG.

He believes the situation Breivik is in can not be described as an “extreme isolation” and that it has not yet come forward any information to indicate that he has developed some serious psychological damage.

– it’s a personality here and after the terrible crime he has done, it is important that there ever is a security program around him. So the system must consider whether it can be relaxed a bit.

Dropped Nazi salute

Brevik arrived gymnasium in prison 08.55, småsmilte when the handcuffs were unlocked, but did not come with a Nazi salute today. At the end of the trial yesterday he shut up by Judge Helen Andenæs Sekulic for having displayed Nazi greeting before he sat down.

He took instead his defense in his hand and chatted a bit while they waited for the court to be set. With him to the witness stand, he came with a thick stack of papers.

When the judge took personals she said that position well was not necessary. Breivik did not agree and said:

– I am Party secretary of the party, the Nordic state.

“The Nordic prime” is not listed as an official party in any records. The phrase may only 97 hits on Google.

Three rooms, TV and Playstation : How is Breivik’s life in prison

885 nakenransakinger

the case now goes in Skien about Breivik considers himself subjected to “degrading and inhuman treatment” while incarcerated. These include that he has at times been exposed to naked check daily and that his body has been gone over with a metal detector.

Wednesday ushered Anders Behring Breivik (37) his explanation including to show how to implement nakenransakinger him in prison.

– I have tried to document everything. Until today, I have been exposed to 885 nakenransakinger. 880 has been IIa and around five in Skien. This included nakenransakingene happened during the trial in the Oslo City Court, says Breivik.

– Ila has good routines, but they apparently have some logistics problems. If it was not registered in the system that I already was ransacked, had it happen again.

– How did the searches? asks his lawyer, Øystein Storrvik.

– If there are people who have a history of attacks, it is understandable. But I have behaved exemplary in five years. Gradually it has become more and more meaningless, says Breivik.

He goes on to talk about how he regularly gets handcuffed, especially as he sat at Ila. According to him it happened 2300 times.

Experts about Breivik : – Most of us would probably handle it worse than him

Claiming he can not send letters

Breivik also comes into the cooking he according to Correctional Services is on.

– the fact that I get to cook, limited in practice that I can press the button on an egg cooker or shove a frozen pizza into the oven. And the last has only happened once. Otherwise, do the officers there.

Mass killings man goes on to explain about alarms at night, that he also believes primarily occurred at Ila. He has gradually gained access to a larger air space is something he has much appreciated.

Under the court’s first day was sending and receiving letters a theme that was used a lot of time. Wednesday shows Øystein Storrvik to a decision by the Correctional Services Fall 2014, where Breivik got full cessation of letter sending.

– In practice, I have not been sending letters since 08.08.2012. I have tried to send a letter to 300 friends and followers since then, but only three have come forward. It is not extreme people, they are conservative, says Breivik.

He begins to argue that it is reprehensible, but is interrupted by his lawyer. Yesterday told the Attorney General that by around 4000 letter Breivik have sent and received is about 600 stopped.

Would not have visits by the father

Breivik claims that he has tried to send 200 visits forms, but all of these have been stopped. The exception is a Swedish researcher who has been meeting Breivik several times through a glass partition.

– I can not give any conditions for journalists or others who turn to me, with one exception. My father. And it was not really a requirement. He writes it himself in his book, that the only reason to visit me was to find out “what went wrong in childhood.” I could not accept. Therefore, it was practically a farewell, says Breivik.

Moreover, he tells of old friends and family who should have told that they will not visit him because they do not want to be associated with what he did in 2011.

– I understand very well, says Breivik.

Read also : Disappointed that his mother was proud of him

– insulation the worst

Breivik thinks it’s physical intervention is the isolation he experienced in prison.

– I’ve been cooped up in isolation cell 23 hours a day. I know that the media is refusing to refer this, but that’s what happened, says Breivik, and continues:

– 09.02.2015 I was informed that there was another inmate to my department, and the consequence of this was that I had to be locked inside the cell 23 hours a day. Then it was no longer an open solution between my cells, but control through the hatch, says Breivik.

He believes it was not possible to survive this way for very long. Therefore he started to protest.

– Isolation of a cell is one thing, but when you do not receive a letter as well, losing even the strongest human spark of life. I do not think many had survived as long as me, says Breivik.

Before Breivik started the judge said that his explanation to the extent possible should be spoken and act on atonement regime.

– I want you to explain to you about your life. If you do, I will not intervene. I can not guarantee that I will not do it anyway, says judge Sekulic.

VG are told that Breivik intend to do exactly the same as he did when he sat in the dock in Oslo, servers court a long monologue. He has spent the last time on preparing the speech, which will be in tens of closely written pages.

Wednesday starts with that Breivik will explain in three hours. Thereafter straight psychiatry-veteran Randi Rosenqvist evidence in court.

Breivik believes he is being deprived of the opportunity to create relationships with people because his letters are controlled, censored and in some cases halted.

Rigorous atonement

this summer five years ago Breivik was imprisoned. In all these years he has been imprisoned on what is called “an especially high security.” This is Norway’s strictest atonement level.

It is used in very few cases, and only if one counts his father as King of the prisoner shall escape, get help to escape, taking hostages or commit serious crimes again.

the state, which in court is represented by Attorney, believe that the security measures around Breivik is necessary, and that human rights his not broken.


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