Tuesday, February 9, 2016

PST submits new threat assessment: Ekstremislamisme still biggest … – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Police Security Service (PST) adds at 13.00 presented its assessment of what will be the biggest threats to Norway in 2016.

PST mentions particularly extreme Islamists and right-wing extremist.

Also present at the press conference is PST chief Benedicte Bjørnland and Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP).

From “probable” to “possible”

– One can never guard completely against the terrorist threat, says Anundsen.

Anundsen draws lines to ia last year’s terrorist attacks in Paris. According PST constitute ekstremislamisme remains the biggest terrorist threat, as the last two years.

– It is possible that in the course of 2016 will be retried terrorist attacks, says Anundsen.

In 2014 spent PST wording “probable.” When they downgraded the terrorist danger in the fall, it was to “possible.” Thus, the threat of terrorism lower now than in 2014. Anundsen emphasizes that there is talk of a careful adjustment, since there are now more “intelligence gaps” than before.

Islamist environments impaired

in november 2014 the level of terror in Norway at its highest ever. PST estimated that there were as much as 60 to 90 percent chance that there was a terrorist attack against Norway in 2015. So it was more likely that Islamists would attack, than that they would.

But nothing happened.

Instead, the Islamist groups in Norway weaker. In addition to over 18 people from the Norwegian communities were killed in Syria, detained and charged also PST several alleged Islamists.

– The extreme islamistske communities in Norway is not considered to be more collected during 2016. Imprisonments and several deaths among foreign fighters in Syria during the past year have weakened communities, says Anundsen.


When Norway now entered in 2016, PST has estimated how high terrorist risk can be this year.

But the threat from terror group Islamic State (IS) is unpredictable. IS leaders have urged sympathizers to take the weapons they have available and attacking “the enemy” anywhere. This reduces, according to PST, the opportunity for both to warn and ward off attacks.

Traditionally, Norway has not been a goal or designated “enemy” of terrorists. But we were in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, we printed the Mohammed cartoons, and we are a close ally of the United States. Norwegian soldiers also train forces fighting IS in Iraq. It has claimed PST made Norway a designated target for Islamist terrorism in Iraq and Syria.

PST chief Bjørnland says the increased number of asylum seekers may increase the chance of recruiting for extreme Islamist groups.

– Before we get interviewed asylum seekers, we have no complete record of who comes, she says.

right-wing growth

Bjørnland also maintains that the right-wing extremist groups may grow as due to the situation.

– the increased influx of asylum seekers can be recruited right-wing extremist groups. This can increase the risk of confrontation, says PST boss.

PST believes the threat from the extreme right is considered to be increasing. She refers to reception centers fires where extreme right is suspected to be behind.

– It is likely that we will see such actions this year, says Bjørnland.

Goes to Ukraine

She cites that individuals and small groups engaged in propaganda and hate speech online.

– There is a potential radikaliseringsarena, says PST boss.

the Norwegian authorities are familiar with that persons from the right extremist groups have traveled to Ukraine and enlisted as foreign fighters. PST think not mean that we will see some growth in this group.

– They lack a conflict arena and a common, unifying ideology, she explains.


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