Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Listhaug match Tybring- Pike: – Yes, asylum seekers should learn Norwegian – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Saturday sent Christian Tybring- Pike and Oslo FRP 30 proposals for a “progressive asylum policy” of the Progress Party’s parliamentary group.

Monday followed FRP top up to propose abolishing tuition for asylum seekers nor teach them English and crafts. This claimed Tybring- Pike is more useful to build up a war-torn countries – such as Syria.

– You must do something useful while conflict rages and one waiting to go back to rebuild their country. It is natural that those who come to Norway from Syria receive training in vocational and health sciences, subjects that are important to build up a country, he told Dagbladet Monday.

Tybring- Pike let then assumed that he wants asylum seekers who come to Norway to return to their country of origin as soon as the security situation permits. Why Norway rather quiet up measures that are useful for asylum seekers in the period after the stay in Norway, he said.

There is very little useful to learn Norwegian if you are going back to Syria, let Tybring- -Gjedde to.

Criticism of Right, Left and Christian Democrats

At the same time criticized Tybring- Pike the other parties in Parliament to focus more on criticizing Progress measures than to come up with its own asylum and integration policy.

The initiative to drop the Norwegian education aroused resentment among the Conservatives, Christian Democrats and Liberals. Government’s cooperation party demanded to know whether Tybring- Pike spoke on behalf of themselves or whether this was a new line of FRP. Whatever thought center-right parties that FRP now vacillated in integration policy.

Now the bourgeois their answer: Sylvi Listhaug tells Dagbladet that she not support partifellens proposal. Asylum seekers to Norway should learn Norwegian, not English, maintains she in line with the government policy, referring to the settlement of the Parliament.

Listhaug stands on its

– The Government will follow up the integration compromise as a wide majority in Parliament behind. We are concerned that those who come to Norway, and will stay, will learn Norwegian and get to work as quickly as possible. Language is an important prerequisite for being able to work within a variety of sectors, therefore knowledge of Norwegian is important, she says in response to Tybring- Pike.

The nation’s first immigration and integration minister raised many eyebrows when she last week told Dagbladet that asylum seekers must “provide not only enjoy.” Listhaug says she wants Norwegian speaking asylum seekers to work as soon as possible and to facilitate work practices.

– The Government will also return to the introductory program in the announced integration message. It will make sense to a greater extent combine tuition in classroom with work experience from the start. This helps the individual easier going into the community, learn Norwegian working to know and get the opportunity to gain a foothold in the labor market, she argues.


minister stresses in conclusion that she believes Norwegian is important that asylum seekers should be taxpayers and get away from public support.

– We are concerned that we should create taxpayers and keep people living on state benefits. This is crucial for the Norwegian welfare model must be sustainable in the long term and that we are not in a situation where we must cut velferdsordninger- and benefits that will befall those who are struggling most in society, says immigration and integration minister.


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