Monday, July 6, 2015

Extreme poverty in the world by more than half, according to the UN report –

(Dagbladet): Twenty years ago there lived people in almost half of the developing countries into extreme poverty.
Now the figure more than halved, from 1, 9 billion people to 836 million people 2015

In Oslo

The report shows the status of the Millennium Development Goals for poverty reduction and development that was presented in Oslo today by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

– The report confirms that the global effort to achieve the objectives have saved millions of lives and improved the lives of even more millions of people, said Ban Ki-moon during the international launch of report on the MDGs in the afternoon.

Setting goals

– Our efforts show that it seems to set goals, he said.

He said that what has been achieved through the strategy for the MDGs will be a springboard for the next big project, sustainable development. The targets to be adopted by world leaders at the UN in September.

He said that one of the lessons of the MDGs is the importance of the countries themselves take ownership of the goals, and that it is important that government, private actors, civil society and academia work together.

The envoy

Prime Minister Erna Solberg has teamed up with Paul Kagame initiative on a group appointed by the UN Secretary General for the MDGs .

– At the end point of the MDGs, we can celebrate the groundbreaking results. Governments, private donors and organizations have together saved millions of lives. A common goal has been important for this result, Prime Minister Erna Solberg, who is one of the leaders of the UN advocate group for the MDGs, said Solberg.

Solberg said that the goal is not in itself even lift people out of poverty, but depends on the strategies and investments. She stressed that the most difficult challenge now is to reach children in crises and conflicts with schooling.

Sukses, but much remains

– MDGs has created the most successful poverty reduction in history, and the Danes a good starting point for the new sustainable utviklingsagendan be launched in September, the report said.

Millennium Development Goals were adopted in 2000 and the UN has chosen to measure progress over 25 years against the situation in 1990.

By the millennium, the world leaders together at the United Nations to set goals for poverty reduction. The vision – which was expressed through eight different goals, such as fighting extreme poverty and school for all – has been the framework for development policies over the past 15 years.

– Poverty eradicated

– The extensive progress has been made, shows that poverty can be eradicated within the next generation, said Ban Ki-moon when the report was presented at a press conference this afternoon.

– The Millennium Development Goals have contributed greatly to this and have learned how governments , private sector and civil society can work together to achieve revolutionary and lasting changes, said UN Secretary General

The number of children not attending school, has almost halved since 2000. In sub-Saharan Africa starting 20 percent more children the school now than in 2000. But there are still 57 million children worldwide who do not attend school.

The report shows that the difference in education between boys and girls has been greatly reduced Over the past 15 years, and in most countries start as many girls as boys in school. But there are huge differences between countries and regions.

Women in Politics

Women have also come to political positions and is represented in Parliaments in nearly 90 percent of the 174 countries that comprise the data. The average proportion of women in parliaments has almost doubled in 20 years. But women still face discrimination worldwide in terms of job and salary.

Child mortality has declined. The proportion of children who die before the age of five, is halved. The proportion of women who die during childbirth, is reduced globally by 45 percent.

Survives HIV

Targeted investment in combating diseases such as HIV / AIDS and malaria have had remarkable results. The number of HIV infections has fallen by about 40 percent between 2000 and 2013.

Over 6.2 malaria sufferers have been saved between 2000 and 2015, while the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis has saved an estimated 37 million lives between 2000 and 2013. 2, 1 billion people have gained access to improved sanitation.

Large regional differences

report shows the United Nations said that millions of people could be lifted out of poverty, women and girls can get more influence, better health and better opportunities in life through clear objectives, targeted measures , good strategies, resources and political will.

But even if the results are good on several of the MDGs in the world as a whole, there are major differences between regions and countries. There are also major differences between poor and wealthy households when it comes to various health targets, access to education and jobs.

The report on the Millennium Development Goals – which is the last in the series – is based on data from 28 UN agencies and international agencies, and was created by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.


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