Saturday, June 6, 2015

“Wife Violence is a private matter,” “Polygamy allowed,” “HIV is a punishment from Allah” and … – Aftenposten

Several large mosques deplores the ideas to the invitees. – They should be denied entry to Norway, says Gulam Sarwar in Central Jamaat Mosque.

Haitham al-Haddad is a Muslim scholar from London. He stands for a literal Islam, and has for example said that violence against his wife is a private matter, and that homosexuality is a nuisance that must be combated.

When he visited the Netherlands in 2012, let parliament so much pressure on University he went to see them canceled. But in Oslo he has spoken this spring at several events organized by the Muslim organization Islam Net.

At Easter, he shared the stage with, among others, the British preacher Dawah Man, who has argued that Europe and the United States are governed by Zionist bank owners, and called homosexuality a “filthy, obscene and shameless act” (Video later deleted) .

Also Shady Alsuleiman, which as late as in 2009 invited Al-Qaeda Head of Foreign Affairs Anwar Al-Awlaki to his mosque in Sydney, was invited but had to cancel.

Refused entry

They are just some of numerous charismatic, conservative preachers who have visited Norway the recent years. More educated in Saudi Arabia. Several have even posted lectures online where they prescribe penalties that conflict with Norwegian law and human rights: Death penalty for adultery, homosexuality and apostasy.

Several also speak hatefully about non-believers. Abu Usama at-Thahabi, who is an instructor at AlMedinah Institute under the auspices of Islam Net, has stated: “We love Islam people and we hate the unbelievers the people.” He has also been a guest in the Somali mosque Tawfiiq in Oslo.

Some of the preachers refused entry in other countries due to extreme attitudes. Canadian Saeed Regeah, who visited Tawfiiq Mosque last year, was denied entry to Australia later that year. When Bilal Philips guested Islam Nets peace conference in 2010, he was already denied entry to the UK and Australia. He later denied entry to Germany and Kenya, and deported from the Philippines and Bangladesh.

Islam Nets leader, Fahad Qureshi, rejects decided that they invite extreme presenters. He believes that what they say will be taken out of context.

– Bilal Philips is the mildest of all. He’s like a pussycat, if you listen to the speeches. Do not listen to two sentences taken out of context, of perhaps a total of 40 hours of talks, said Fahad Qureshi.

He says they carefully investigate allegations of speakers from media.

– If propaganda is based on misquoted sentences taken out of context, ignoring we propaganda and invites presenters, says Qureshi.

He thinks it is “ridiculous” that Philips is denied entry to several land and denied that he or anyone else they invite, is extreme.

– We do not share all the opinions of everyone we invite and many may disagree among themselves as well. But these are for classical Islam, as practiced for 1400 years, says Qureshi.

Not everyone agrees with him.

– Not stoning in Islam

– I do not know all, but some of them gives a more rigorous view of Islam than is necessary, and focusing on the wrong thing in the wrong way. They dismiss the principles can cross each other, and often chooses the strictest, says chairman Basim Ghozlan in Rabita Mosque.

He denies that the stoning and death sentences for adultery, homosexuality and apostasy is part of Islam, so he and his circles understand religion.

– I get angry at the attitude. They pretend that this is what Islam is, but the point is not the penalties themselves, say Ghozlan.

One of the largest mosques, Central Jamaat-e Ahl-e Sunnat, said presenters who speak hatefully non-believers and threatening death penalty must be turned down on by the Norwegian authorities.

– They should be denied entry into Norway, says Chairman Ghulam Sarwar.

Faruk Terzić ( 38), imam of the Islamic Community Bosnia and Herzegovina in Oslo, believes it can be dangerous to learn about Islam through what he calls YouTube preachers.

– Presenters with little religious credibility get too much attention. They might become popular on the Internet because of its unacceptable and problematic attitudes, said Terzić.

– Understandable that youth comes

In Norway’s oldest mosque, the Islamic Cultural Centre in Greenland in Oslo , find spokesperson Ikhlaq Ahmad however “understandable” that the youngsters come to hear charismatic and famous people from foreign TV.

– I have not had time to go deep into the various characters, why they are contentious and where they are educated. What we do know is that young people like a black / white image and want things easily presented. It’s possible there is something there, says Ahmad.

What they talk about events in Norway, he will not speculate.

– IslamNet is a student organization that looks to organize well, but they have also lost a great deal of support from youth in recent years, says Ahmad.

Shiraz Maher, senior adviser at King’s College London, believes it “clearly” is a risk that the ideas within Some of these speakers can cause some young people go abroad to fight with IS in Syria.

– In general, these conservative attitudes, and some of their views are very extreme.

need not apply for a visa

According to Aftenposten’s knowledge, no controversial preachers denied entry into Norway. More Aftenposten overview comes from visa waiver countries, and eliminating the need for a visa to visit Norway.

– All applications for visas to Norway evaluated based terms. Reasons to reject an application may be fundamental national interests or the interests of national security, says unit manager Jonas Folmoe in immigration. He also states that local security services routinely involved in such cases.

The mosques Tawfiiq and Alnor has not answered Aftenposten repeated requests.

Haitham Al-Haddad

Scholar from London. Raised in Saudi Arabia.

Judge in the Islamic Sharia Council in London.

2013 2015 Guest of Islam Net. 2012: At Alnor Senter in Tromsø.

Having said: * Osama bin Laden may be a martyr, and he’ll certainly to paradise. * Violence in marriage is a private matter. * Jews are “the descendants of apes and pigs.” * Women should not work. * Homosexuality should be combated.

Bilal Philips

Scholar from Canada, residing in Qatar.

Founded a free Islamic university online , Islamic Online University, which cooperates with two Norwegian Muslim organizations. Students from Norway.

2010: Guest of Islam Net.

Having said: * Defense for marriage of girls down to nine years of age. * Polygamy allowed. * The death penalty for adultery, homosexuality and apostasy. * The man has the right to beat his wife. * Not rape in marriage.

Refused entry to the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Kenya, UK, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman

Scholar from Australia.

2011: Islam Net. Had to cancel planned visits in 2015.

Invited Al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki to one of Australia’s largest mosques in 2009. Would not renounce al-Awlaki in Oslo in 2011.

Having said: * HIV is a punishment from Allah for adultery and homosexuality. * The reason that cheating should be stoned in Islam, is that your sin is so great.

Imran bin Mansur alias “Dawah-Man”

The preacher from UK. Started Dawah Academy.

2015: Islam Net. 2012: On proselytizing tour in Norway organized by Alnor Senter in Tromsø and the UK Islamic Mission organization Iera.

Having said: * Homosexuals are “dirty, obscene and shameless”. * Europe and the United States are controlled by Zionists.

Unwanted at the University of East London.

Saeed Regeah

Scholar from Canada.

2014: Guest at Tawfiiq, Somali mosque.

said: * Women should not leave the house unless it’s absolutely necessary. It will create temptations for many people, and Satan will exploit it.

* Once you become Muslim, you can not go back on it.

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

Scholar from the United Kingdom.

2014: Guest at the organization Al-Hidayah

Having said: * If Muslims are attacked and not can defend themselves, is jihad compulsory for Muslims in the vicinity, and if that does not work, jihad obligatory for all Muslims in the world. This applies in places like Kashmir and Chechnya.

* It is illegal to help anyone fleeing death penalty (original link has been removed)

Abu Usamah at-Thahabi

Scholar, in Birmingham.

2013: Guest at Tawfiiq and Islam Net. Instructor affiliated AlMadinah Institute (Islam Net).

Have stated: * We love Islam people and we hate the unbelievers people. We hate disbelief.

* Beat both the lewd woman and the man 100 times for what they have done. Do not show any mercy that can get you to avoid whipping them in Allah’s religion. Beat them! “

Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Jabbar

Scholar, from Birmingham. Started Al Qadr, Islamic missionary organization.

2015: guest of Islam Net

Have said: * Warlord Muhammad, who broke the infidels, is the best role model ever to walk the earth.

Published: 06.jun. 2015 9:24 p.m.


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