Friday, June 19, 2015

Man stabbed in their home in Kristiansand – Aftenposten

The police was notified about the stabbing at 22.07 on Friday evening, writes

– There has been an incident inside time and two people ran from the place. There was a father and a son who lived in the apartment on the ground floor, and her father was injured, said efforts leader Frank Salvesen from police Fædrelandsvennen.

stabbing allegedly took place inside the hall. The cause is currently unknown.

Searching for two people

Police hunt now on the two assailants. Police do not know the person’s identity.

– We are in the streets in the center and use the resources we can spare, says police operations manager Per Kristian Klausen to Fædrelandsvennen.

Police including a dog patrol out.

genus of the people are poor. One of them should have mohawks.

Unknown injury rates

– A man is taken to hospital, said operations manager Per Kristian Klausen College police to Fædrelandsvennen.

The extent of damage is unknown. Klausen confirms that man is stabbed with a knife.

The clock 22.50 police officials that correctional professionals are on the way and that witnesses are not questioned.

As young boys run away

Two women who were sitting outside on the patio facing the street on the second floor, were witnesses to the escape.

– We heard a door slammed hard again, then we saw two young boys running at full speed. One took a right down Queen Street, the other still straight over Queen Street, says one of the women to Fædrelandsvennen.

They do not know the two occupants of the first floor.

Published: 19.jun. 2015 11:25 p.m.


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