Friday, June 19, 2015

Armed women wonder if they are denominated in – iTromsø

Fire researchers behind the report. They have studied the possibilities for greater diversity in the military. The report is based on interviews with about 100 people, among them many women. The researchers also followed practice and teaching. The conclusion is that “everyone” is concerned with affirmative action, and “everyone” goes around and think that they are denominated in, writes Aftenposten.

– No one knows for sure if they have entered the armed forces as result of affirmative action. Therefore cast a veil of suspicion over all women, says project manager Trude Hella Eide Østlandsforskning.

Their suspicions about affirmative action is particularly in when there is talk about promotion in the military.

Rear Admiral Louise Kathrine Dedichen says she recognizes the problem.

– A belief that all women are quoted in the army’s sad. It is also incorrect. Quotas are negatively charged, but is really a positive and necessary instrument, that it is wise of defense to use, says Dedichen, who has been accused of having gained position as Chief of the Defence Academy because she was a woman. The Supreme Court concluded last year with rejecting the accusations. (© NTB)


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