Tuesday, April 7, 2015

- I’m not going to put deadlines for myself or others – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): If asylum children matter is not resolved by Friday at 13.00, so alerts Left rebellion and possible violations of the civil cooperation.

The government cooperated to Prime Minister Erna Solberg can fail, if the conflict is not resolved by that time. To the Solberg following to say:

– I do not intend to set a deadline for myself or others. This must take the time it takes, she says to Dagbladet and other media that meet her in Oslo after the Conservative Conference of Mayors.

In meeting tonight

Tonight the four party leaders meet for a casual dinner, called a 5c meeting, as they often have first Monday of the month. But because of Easter dinner was set to today. It is natural that the disputed asylum case now discussed.

since Left has set a deadline and KrF have set an ultimatum to evaluate several of asylum children cases from last year again.

– We’ll probably talk about more important issues when we meet. And there is one important issue, says Solberg.

On the question of urgency to clarify this, Solberg said:

– That’s fine with all issues that have been resolved, but the best is that it gets good results.

Towards congress

The clock is ticking towards Friday and the Liberal party congress. That is what the deadline is.

If Erna Solberg fail to get FRP with a solution that Left and KrF swallow within that time, so the stage is set for rebellion.

The bourgeois cooperate may fall, according to several Liberal representatives Dagbladet spoke with yesterday.

– Just to be clear. They must solve this before it goes so far as to Friday, says André Skjelstad (V), which sits in the Storting’s Local, to Dagbladet.

– There is one thing that he makes a mistake, but if he did not try to correct their mistakes, we can not have confidence in him anymore, says Roger Granum (V), which is fylkesleder Oppland, about Attorney General Anders Anundsen.

KrF and Liberals will the new regulations they got through for asylum children on December 8 last year should also apply some of the children that were before it, then Anundsen had promised that such children were no longer a priority for dispatch. So they want the regulation shall be applied retroactively. And here the conflict. For it has FRP refused to go along with.

If no agreement before Friday, when:

– Should we notify the government that the cooperation agreement does not apply anymore, says Granum Dagbladet.

contention core

KrF has promoted an ultimatum that it must be cleaned up asylum children matter, but put no deadline. But they are “impatient”.

– I’m very happy for the enormous commitment that it also is in Left for asylum children. I share the impatience and agree that the case must get a solution soon, said Knut Arild Hareide told Dagbladet yesterday.

FRP have previously answered flatly no to the proposal to consider the issues again. Now it is unclear where the cabinet stands.

– the Christian Democrats and Left makes it not simple, neither Conservative or Progressive Party, by engaging in the form of extortion, said FRP’s Per Sandberg to NRK early today, without wanting to comment on what he thinks about the Liberal deadline.

Dagbladet following the case up to the Liberal party congress on Friday.


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