Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hemne mayor relieved after Krekar clarification – NRK

Police fail to appeal the High Court ruling to the Supreme Court because the known Islamist already is in custody.

– We would therefore not have to use their own and judicial resources further litigation. When he released from prison, it will be considered to provide a new directives on specific whereabouts, said police inspector Vegard Rødås in a statement.

Sitting in jail

Mullah Krekar is detained and is not sent to Kyrksæterøra.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

The Court of Appeal concluded that Krekar can not be moved to a reception center on Kyrksæterøra in Sor-Trondelag. Friday March 20, the Court of Appeal overturned a police decision on the compulsory settlement. In its ruling the court comes with strong criticism of the Ministry of Justice for wrongful having given the police instructions on forced relocation of Krekar.

Krekar agreed Friday before Easter to custody for a further four weeks of threats and incitement to an offense. He is accused of having spawned new threats in an interview with NRK and public inciting criminal acts. He refuses guilt by accusation, but will explain about this first during a main hearing in court, which is expected later this spring.

Police believe that the order specific place has a limited duration, and therefore not a real significance now that he is in prison.

– It is important for the police to maintain control of Krekar. There we have so long as he is in jail, says Roda

Ba not about getting Krekar

Mayor Hemne municipality, stale Vaag, is pleased that the matter is finally resolved.

– I must say that I react with relief because I was a little unsure about the case would be appealed further, he says to NRK.

Mullah Krekar will not hemnværing.

Photo: Sund Farm, Henrik / NTB scanpix

When it became clear that Mullah Krekar should be moved to the settlement Kyrksæterøra Hemne municipality, was mayor clear that they would welcome him. But Vaag not hanging with her beak after moving plans for Mullah Krekar is canceled.

– We had not the right applied to Mullah Krekar to the municipality, but if he had come we had had a good apparatus to safeguard him, saying Vaag NRK.

Justice evaluation

Hemne mayor is now asking the police and Justice Ministry to go through the process surrounding the forced relocation of Krekar.

– They should now evaluate their own decisions and procedures, says Vaag.

04.07.2015, at. 16.43

07.04.2015, at. 17.27


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