Sunday, April 5, 2015

Heavy traffic from Easter mountain – Aftenposten

Sunday the first day of Easter is the many to be home from påskefjellet and Vegtrafikksentralen report Sunday dinner banquets for myeloma trafikk.

But all fjellstove the steed is Åpne, and it has 16 times not stopped opp on noen av head haul years inn mot Oslo, opplyser Sentralen.

It has already begynt å bli evenly with trafikk from Oyer and Hafjell area.

Sunday dinner banquets were the queues at the E6 along Mjøsa, sør for Espa. The same applies in the veiarbeidsområdet on the E6 at Minnesund and oppover Gudbrandsdalen.

In Osterdal was myeloma trafikk, but no queue.

On the E16 between Hønefoss and Sollihøgda was saktegående queue, and the same applies in strekningen from Gol to Hønefoss on Riksvei seventh

The 15-time reports Norwegian Public Roads Administration on stable cows in these territories.

Expecting topp from 16-19

– When it gets trafikktopp today?

– It’s a little like å deliver lottokupongen, you can never add vite noe definitely. What we see is that it has already begynt stream either Dense seg, and traffic will bale seg on from reach av and in addition to running the day. We expect a topp around klokka four to seven more, says trafikkoperatør Lars Berntsen.

– Will been have a lot to sieve where myeloma trafikk it gets today?

– It exactly does veldig myeloma traffic. Whether it had hosted brilliant sun would many expected noen hours with river journey homewards. It is not so fine weather on fjellet today, so many have probably risen early home. So lenge traffic begynner so early gets the cows all day, faithfully to 20-21 o’clock, says Berntsen.

About the host had perfect påskevær would faithfully host cows until midnatt.

Two hours delay from Gol

Påsketuristene must faithfully count on tett trafikk around Hønefoss throughout the day, fort or he.

According to NRK is over two hours delays from Gol to Hønefoss both the Norwegian National Road 7 and E16.

– It is dry and fine veier today, and the mountain are fine too be. But we vet fortsatt to køene come. Particularly on E16 by Steinsletta, Sollihøgda and past Hønefoss we expect myeloma queue. Also at Sokna can proceed either Dense seg for, says Magnus Nilsen trafikkoperatør in Vegtrafikksentralen, Region Sør NRK.

Kollegaene the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Sør also reports the increasing pace trafikk early Sunday banquets dinner.

– In Porsgrunn reported it on tett trafikk. The reported ever increasing pace trafikk in Buskerud and Telemark, says trafikkoperatør Berntsen Sunday banquets dinner.

Several alternative omkjøringer

Trafikkoperatør Hans Are Dahl oppfordrer drivers to stream evaluate alternative routes to E6. Coming from the east – from Trysil, Rendalen and Østerdalen, one can assess Riksvei 2 of Kongsvinger and Riksvei 24 of Skarnes, påpeker he said.

– We oppfordrer people å ta the pent. Not ta noen sjanser with forbikjøringer or other things that lead to chaos or more irritasjon, says Dahl.

Should you journey from Gudbrandsdalen mot Oslo can be lurt y slecting Riksvei 4 to Gjøvik instead of E6, fort or Veivesenet .

Brunettes knut points towards where flaksehalsene formed, it is usually much less trafikk and delays in waiting.

– Brunettes Minnesund is the ally no traffic problems.

– People oppfører seg pent

Vegtrafikksentralen is fornøyd with lite accidents in Easter traffic.

– It’s hard getting uhell. It resorted to motorists networks have oppført seg veldig fine and tatt it all with great tranquility, strainers trafikkoperatør Jeanette Andresen to NTB.


05.apr. 2015 12:26


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