Friday, March 20, 2015

To capture the eclipse – NRK

Not since 1954, Norway has experienced before eclipse. On the mainland, the moon cover between 90 and 95 percent of the Solar disc, but in Longyearbyen it becomes a total solar eclipse in three minutes.

Most people know that one should not look directly at the sun, nor under a eclipse, but how then get a picture of this rare phenomenon?

– You can fine use a regular camera, but it is very important to have a powerful ND Filter. This turns on the lens, or you can buy a bigger plate having front camera. One can also use a filter foil says nature photographer Dag Røttereng.

Recommend rack

Nature Photographer Dag Røttereng has flipped several lunar eclipses but never a solar eclipse.

Photo: Private

– You do not really just a normal 35mm camera, a safe sunscreen and regular movie. But to get a reasonably large solar disc on the film needed a telephoto lens of approximately 500 mm or equivalent binoculars on a stable tripod or binocular assembly, writes on their websites.

Without a so-called ND filter, you risk that the sun burns into pieces image sensor of the camera. According Røttereng you bought this for almost all types of cameras.

– Shutter player does not matter so much. But there is always an advantage with stand, especially if you use a telephoto lens to get sun close, he said.

Even defied nature photographer fever and was up all night to Wednesday to photograph the northern lights, but eclipse on Friday must yield to Nature photography festival in Ski.

READ: Empty for eclipse glasses

Some filters can be dangerous

Some that does not allow any get in the way of Friday’s big happening, are members of Trondheim Astronomical Society. One of the members have booked travel to Svalbard, while leader Birger Andresen and the other is to find on Dragvoll.

– We are going to mount a webcam and an SLR at one of our telescopes, says Andresen.

He stressed that the most important when photographing the eclipse is a ND Filter / sunscreen.

– And it must be of a type which is mounted in front of the main lens, not a screwed on the lens of the eye. These can damage your eyesight.

READ: Braving war to photograph eclipse

Watch video from eclipse in 1954.

Watch video from eclipse in 1954.

03.18.2015, at. 19.34

20.03.2015, at. 09.25


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