Friday, March 20, 2015

Party deputy said the party should be greater than FRP – Aftenposten

– To be larger than FRP is both a goal and my predictions for the autumn election. And I realize that it requires an explanation, says Borten Moe VG.

He rattles off a number of arguments about why Sp shall strengthen and why FRP going to fall further, as he sees it.

– FRP trying to say that they go down because they do not communicate their policies well enough, but in reality this is politics, people do not want. Then they both continue to do more of the same, and then come FRP to sink further, says Borten Moe.

FRP stands for massive centralization, he argues. But Progress deputy Per Sandberg believes that centralization has never been greater than when Sp sat in government. Q is a no-party. FRP is a yes-party says Sandberg, who laughs when he hears about Sps ambitions. He still takes Borten Moe divination seriously.

– Borten Moe is a nice guy, but he must have fierce ambition if he thinks Sp will be bigger than us, because he does not know yet how big goals we have for the autumn election, says Sandberg.

He will invite Borten Moe to a private team where the two will conclude bets on who FRP and Sp being greatest in the election.

Published: March 20th. 2015 5:49


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