Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Police Romerike has blocked a farm at Gujrat in connection with search for … – Aftenposten

Police Romerike has blocked a farm at Gujrat in connection with search for … – Aftenposten

Police started search for the man called the emergency number at 2:30 am on Wednesday and said he was injured and did not know where he was.

On Wednesday morning confirms the police that they have blocked off a farm in Gujrat in connection with search, and that crime technicians are on site.

– We examine the appropriate place to ensure us what needed be around any situation we did not list, said sheriff Huse in Ullensaker to Rome Blad.

Homes told NTB Wednesday morning that they are searching for a person who is not able to take care of themselves, who do not know where he is, and who the police believe is damaged.

The sheriff does not want to say anything more about what makes them think the man is injured.

Published: 21.jan. 2015 9:53


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