Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mullah Krekar Sor-Trondelag – Aftenposten

Mullah Krekar Sor-Trondelag – Aftenposten

Krekar must report to the local police three times each week and can not move outside the municipal boundaries.

The decision comes from this coming Sunday and throughout the year.

Police Inspector Audun Kristiansen the Oslo police said that violation of these terms may lead to arrest and detention.

Moved before release

Police have until Sunday 25 January with getting Krekar for Names Council.

Oslo police will move mullah Krekar Kongsvinger prison and closer Kyrksæterøra while he yet is incarcerated prisoner.

The most appropriate place for “between landing» Trondheim prison on Tunga east in trønder capital.

I will meet my client before he moved there. Yet we do not know when this happens, says lawyer Brynjar Meling.

Anundsen: Ensuring control

– It is first and foremost a political task to ensure that the government has control of the people who must stay in the country despite the fact that they threaten national security, says Justice and Emergency Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) in a comment to the police impending relocation of Krekar.

– Then there is a police professional task to evaluate the how this will take place. We now see the first example that the new instructions are followed up. It is good and important. The instructions are general and could be used in other cases where unreturnables people potentially pose a threat to national security, he said.

See also video comment: – It will make sense to get this judicially

Per Anders Madsen, editor and commentator in Aftenposten, is unsure whether it is legal to send Mullah Krekar Sor-Trondelag.

-Wants decision legally tested

It is unclear when the Oslo District Court can get tested on police decisions about forced residency far from family is a violation the European Human Rights (ECHR).

-EMK says that everyone has the right to live with his family and to have a private life. The government can intervene in this, but such intervention must be proportionate. We feel that is not the case here. Mullah Krekar is a principled man. Therefore we want to get the conditions tested Oslo District Court, says lawyer Brynjar Meling.

Meling had previously said that anything over six to seven mil out of Oslo was an assault.

To travel to Kyrkseterøra from Oslo will take eight to ten hours by public transportation.

Remoteness reception

Press Adviser John Olav hook UDI confirmed to Aftenposten that Mullah Krekar should be placed at the earl asylum, run by Norway’s largest refugee entrepreneur Hero.

The earl reception center is a partially decentralized reception with total 209 seats, it stands on the receptacle website.

Kyrksæterøra is a small village in Hemne municipality with around 2,500 inhabitants 100 km west of Trondheim.

Local police prepared

Hemne and Snillfjord sheriff office located at Kyrksæterøra and is responsible for peace and order on the premises.

Currently it not hit any decision that staffing will be strengthened as a result of that Krekar is forced here:

– I will be some careful to be bastant around this, but so far no assessment that there is a large increase in trussesituasjonen neither the asylum reception or in the way, says police chief Nils Kristian Moe in Oslo to adressa.no ..

Slipper not out

58 years old mullah Krekar, or Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad as he was originally called, was scheduled released free Kongsvinger prison this weekend after serving a sentence of two years and ten months threats against Erna Solberg and three Kurds.

Lawyer Brynjar Meling told Aftenposten 15.00 that he has not yet been told how his client be placed three quarters after the UDI confirmed new address for Krekar.

– I’ll use the afternoon to see what we should do. But it is totally unacceptable for Krekar family to move to Oslo, says Meling.

His wife works in Oslo, and the youngest of four children last year of high school in the capital.

Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) instructed last week police to place restrictions on the former guerrilla leader’s freedom of movement since he everything in February 2003 was decided deported because he was a threat to national security.

Amnesty and several Norwegian lawyers believe the restrictions are in “of human rights borderland”, comparing them with Soviet methods and believe they should be tried before the courts.

– uncharted territory

This is the first time the police take use Section 105 of the Immigration Act, which the coalition government introduced in 2009 as a “Lex Krekar”, ie a law that is tailored to one person or a given situation.

Jon Petter Rui, a professor at the legal Faculty at the University of Bergen, told Aftenposten recently that orders to send notification and specific whereabouts the Immigration Act Section 105 is to interpret as a fairly radical, but preventive, action.

He considers the not contravene the Convention on Human Rights .

– It is used to prevent a particular risk or danger. There is no question of a penalty. This paragraph is not inconsistent with the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights.

– Does “specific place” that can be placed anywhere?

– There are slightly open and a little unclear what lies in the expression. The wording makes no provision for internment, but here we have an example of legislative history that can be placed into a police or similar. Or a reception.

Jensen denies that Mullah Krekar can go out as a free man and says to Aftenposten that the limitations he must adapt is the strictest one can achieve with current law.

– No case law

In Norway there are therefore no case law in the area, and Meling says that when it is natural to look abroad:

Britain had until quite recently a similar provision in its legislation, which the authorities could intervene in someone’s freedom of movement called “control orders”. The person could also be required to move to a particular address, “forced relocation”.

– I have noted that the courts in the United Kingdom found that such an order was obviously contrary to fundamental principles of law and human rights, says Meling .

– Not satisfied

It is Progress has invested most prestige in the struggle to Mullah Krekar sent out of the country or until it can happen, it will be subject to the severest sanctions possible .

Both party leader Siv Jensen and deputy Per Sandberg has greatly regretted that the legislation today does not give police tools other than to impose Krekar notification and limitations of freedom of movement.

Sandberg wanted to intern Krekar asylum dormitory at Trandum but this, there are currently no legal basis for that.

Justice Minister Anders Anundsen says he will comment on the matter after the Oslo police has informed its decision.

Published: 20.jan. 2015 14:11


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