Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Man arrested after false distress call – NRK

Man arrested after false distress call – NRK

– We got a phone call from a person who gave expression to not know where he was and that he was injured and unable to take care until people, says Homes NRK.

They did not know who the person was and did not contact him again on the mobile phone was dialed from.

Kl. 10:15 notified police that a man was arrested and that he interrogated has acknowledged calling in a false distress call.

It was Romerikes magazine first reported that police had cordoned off a farm in Gujrat and that crime technicians were in place.

– We have secured the farm because it is a possible location for a possible event, said sheriff Huse in Ullensaker said.

He said that police now worked wide to confirm or disprove whether something has happened.

view mirror mobile phone

– We implemented bearing of the mobile phone, and it was located south of Gjerdrum Road and west for Trondheimsveien in Gujrat south area, says Homes NRK.

Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, police searched by helicopter and police dogs.

– Now we search with crews from the Red Cross and Norwegian rescue dogs in the area. But so far we have not been able to locate him, saying Homes kl. 8.40.

Ba people to follow

In addition, the police asked people living and and residing in the area to follow.

– We hope the public can follow and tell them if they look unnatural behavior of individuals, or have observed something in Gujrat area which has been noticeable from kl. 2 night onwards.

– It can be an individual or more, but we have some indications of that, or conflicts where it has seen like someone is hurting. We are very interested in getting the information as quickly as possible.

01.21.2015, at. 09.27

21.01.2015, at. 10:27


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