Thursday, December 18, 2014

We rely more on police – Clear Voice

We rely more on police – Clear Voice

Nine out of ten say that they have very high or very great confidence in the police. It is more than in 2012 and also a higher number than before the attacks on 22 July 2011. The figures are from a survey among people living across the country. In Asker and chairs almost all (97 percent) of the police. It is highest in the country. Telemark and West Finnmark chairs eight out of ten at the police. It is lowest in the country, writes the newspaper VG.

The confidence of the people is like a Christmas present to the police, says Odd Reidar Humlegård. He is a police officer.

Confidence has improved in almost all police districts. In Hordaland people have slightly less confidence than before. It has gone down from 88 to 87 percent. It is uncertain whether the survey was done before or after Monika case was taken up again. In 2011, the police said that eight year old Monika took his life. In autumn saw the police on the matter again. They believe that she was killed. Police have made poor work with the investigation. We do not know if Monika case has affected the survey.

We do not know whether that police have been carrying weapons, have influenced the results.

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