Friday, August 8, 2014

Refser Bergen City Council for Hansa contract during the Tall Ships Race – Aftenposten

Refser Bergen City Council for Hansa contract during the Tall Ships Race – Aftenposten

It was after people party Tall Ships Races were over BT revealed that the municipality signed an exclusive contract with Hansa. It indicated that it would only be sold Hansa beer in restaurants in Bergen, type BT.

Multiple fractures

Overall, the municipality had a number of creative ideas to fund kalaset in Bergen harbor:

  • All the restaurants around the square and pier were deprived of their outdoor area, and had to rent it back for a more expensive price
  • The same hostelries were forced to only sell Hansa beer at the new area, regardless what they had separate agreements
  • The municipality had six million from Hansa per liter of beer were sold during the festival on the extra space

None of this is allowed by Alcohol Act, says Health Minister Bent Høie (H). In Parliament gives Conservative Minister a clear message to his party colleague, council leader Ragnhild Stolt-Nielsen (H), about which laws should be followed.

Expecting track

He does after Kjersti Tops (Sp) last week submitted a written question to the Minister. In his reply he states in general terms about what is allowed and not allowed according to the Alcohol Act. Enter here Høie include:

A municipality may not make it a condition of getting licensed that only one supplier can be used (..). A municipality can not revoke a license and then grant another license in the same area. There are one and the same area is not allowed to give more licenses to several companies for overlapping periods. “

Not allowed to serve

When BT highlighted the municipality commission from Hansa sales last week rejected the council leader Ragnhild Stolt-Nielsen (H) criticism and thought it was problematic that the municipality tjenete money on beer sales.

– It allows the municipality forever. It’s like that bestow control funding. It is common to have a sales tax on beer. That we take money per. sold liter of beer, is to ensure coverage of the expenses we have by organizing such an event, said commissioner chairman.

In his reply to Tops writes Høie that a municipality can not impose the condition for a liquor license “that the municipality should have increased revenues beyond the license fee prescribed in alcohol regulation.”

This fee shall be equal to the cost of the municipality with the procedural and control of licensed premises and is currently 0, 37 euro per liter beer containing up to 4.7 per cent alcohol.

Understand the law

Finally Høie points out that the nightlife is entitled to appeal to the County if they feel mistreated.

He also noted that the city council has said that “the municipality strives to comply with all laws and regulations, and that in light of the CMO statements about how alcohol law is to understand’ll investigate.”

Will consider

City council leader Ragnhild Stolt-Nielsen notes that the Minister of Health speaks on a general basis in this case.

– He emphasizes that he does not know the facts of the case from Bergen. We have also asked the municipal prosecutor to conduct a review of the agreements so that we can get all the facts.

The community has still not received an overview of how much they earned from the sale of Hansa beer. After the city council leader knows none of nightlife yet complained about the scheme.

– There has however been questioned about payment bestow area outdoors, and we have therefore decided to repay the increased rent for cate the original bestow area.

Published: 08.aug. 2,014 2:42 p.m.


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