Friday, August 8, 2014

Man on crutches were trapped between two walls – Fædrelandsvennen

Man on crutches were trapped between two walls – Fædrelandsvennen

The police had trouble taking the message seriously when the man rang at nine o’clock Monday morning and asked for help; the reason was that he was stuck inside a wall in a house in the sun, he said.

– We checked, however, at home, and there he found himself not. And after a while we got a new message that was heard banging and yelling for help from a wall, not in the sun but Langgata in Sandnes. We sent a police patrol to the place, and there sat there completely correct a man trapped in between two walls, said operations manager Trygve Ravndal to Aftonbladet.

The police had to have assistance from the fire department to get the man out.

– He was completely jammed and had never been able to get out alone. We did not come in to him, and therefore had to demolish a wall to get the man out, Ravndal said, adding that the Sandnes-man, born in 1982, is an acquaintance of the police.

– How did he come into the walls?

– He must have climbed over a wall from a garbage room, but he has an explanation problem. He has given several different explanations for what happened, but they seem like little credible everyone says Ravndal.

The man was taken to hospital for further check afterwards.

In The Fire Department South Rogaland however, they are not unaware that people get stuck and need help.

– It happens occasionally, we have had cases where people are stuck in the chimney and even in the bath and need help to get away, said the guard leader Odd Magne Pedersen in the fire service in South Rogaland.


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