Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Oslo-people warned against dangerous fumes for container fire – Dagbladet.no

Oslo-people warned against dangerous fumes for container fire – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): A fire in three containers to Norwegian Recycling at Alna in Oslo led to massive smoke in the night.

fire is extinguished, but smoke has seeped down to the city and people are requested to close the windows.

Both the police and fire department experienced being buzzed with people who would enroll in from about fire.

– Now calling a lot of people who join in from about fire, but it’s just smoke from the fire container, said operations manager Tore Solberg of Oslo police told Dagbladet.

– 110 call center gets buzzed with people who wake up to the smell of burnt space, writes Oslo, fire and rescue center at Twitter.

Operations Solberg urges people to close window and reports that smoke is dangerous.

– There was a lot of old electronics that led to very black smoke initially. This is not good to inhale, and we advise people to close the windows. The fire is extinguished, then it decreases very, he says to Dagbladet.

– The smoke coming from the fire is not harmless.

The fire broke out three recycling containers for electrical equipment and smoke development was so powerful that fire and rescue authorities sent nine cars to the place. Police were told the fire two times in the night. Fire crews initially had problems with the water supply, but at four o’clock the fire was extinguished.

cause of the fire is not known.


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