Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Strong økning in doping bracket – Aftenbladet.no

Strong økning in doping bracket – Aftenbladet.no

Rogaland police were police in the country with the highest drug seizures in the second half of 2013.

– What is the reason for the sharp increase in drug seizures

Criminalisation of possession

– 1 July this year it was no longer allowed to have doping for personal use. Use and also possession of doping is now criminalized and prohibited, says Kari Frey Solvik to Aftonbladet. She is head of the section for drug analysis in NCIS.

– Since we last summer had legal authority to seize where we previously had no such statutory authority, it is natural that the number of seizures Law enforcement does increase, says head of section.

In the second half of 2013 were made 351 seizures of doping agents (anabolic androgenic steroids) in the country. The increase of 60 percent compared with the same period in 2012 when it was forbidden to be in possession of doping for personal use.

Same amount

She emphasizes that it is the number of seized a record high, and that the amounts of the various doping agents are about as before, because the smaller brackets represents the increase in the number of seizures.

Testosterone makes up about 30 percent of drug seizures, while each of the substances stanozolol, trenbolon and metandienone constitute 12-13 percent of the seizures, the drug statistics.

Rogaland tops

In Rogaland police district were made throughout the 50 BELAG of doping in the first half of 2014 shows Drug statistics from NCIS. This is far higher than for Hordaland police district in second place, where the number of drug seizures was 31 in Oslo Police in third place was made 29 seizures.

According to Kari Frey Solvik is not compiled statistics showing how large amounts of dopants are seized, broken down by each police.

– We do not have a good enough system to measure flow. Tablets, ampoules and vials with different potency and consistency makes this difficult, she says.

Record number of drug cases

Also for other types of drug crimes has been an increase. The first half of 2014 was recorded 16,405 drug cases in the country. This is an increase of 9 percent compared to the first half of 2013 – The number of registered drug issues has never been higher, says Frey Solvik.

The increase has been most noticeable for marijuana and cannabis plants but also for amphetamine and methamphetamine is seized record high. But even though the number of seizures increases, the amount of seizures still less than the year before.

The number of cannabis seizures has remained stable in recent years.

Ecstasy increases again

Seizures of ecstasy, which had a sharp decline until 2010, is now growing again. The seizures began to increase in 2012, and seized more and more powder of ecstasy (MDMA) rather than tablets.

But the number of ecstasy seizures are relatively modest, 217, compared with the number of cannabis seizures, including hashish and marijuana, where the seizures are 8462.


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