Sunday, August 10, 2014

Now, “Bertha” – Rome Blad

Now, "Bertha" – Rome Blad

Sunday evening hanging “Bertha” of Britain. During the night the storm will continue over the North Sea before the South Coast taken during nighttime.

Before the weekend said state meteorologist that “Bertha” brought a great deal of precipitation. He thought that it could get as much as up to 30 millimeters of rain during a time .

Also thunder

– There is no bad weather in line with the super cell that struck earlier this week, but Bertha could lead to heavy rain and some thunder, said Smits before the weekend.

Super Cella who came from Sweden and over Raumarike the beginning of last week made floods in several places in Skedsmo.

Especially hard hit were Tuterudveien the basement – where the whole road was blocked by water. Several also had their homes destroyed.

squalls in sight

While ‘Bertha’ passes during the day, it is much unstable weather to wait too long to notice.

– Throughout South Norway may be local showers, mainly in the afternoon. In Norway also become part sun in the mornings. On the west coast there are maybe a little more squall business. There will only exceptionally be sunny and only for short periods. It is relatively wet, said state meteorologist on duty Nina Lars Farm at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Dagbladet .

More on the storm Monday:

Trine Brenna Wilberg shared this video with RB. She runs into Trondheimsveien from Tuterudveien the Basement Monday afternoon / evening:

is how it looked in Tuterudveien Monday afternoon:


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