Saturday, August 9, 2014

Norwegian port conflict appealed to the Council of Europe – Altaposten

Norwegian port conflict appealed to the Council of Europe – Altaposten

Harbor racket in Drammen also end up in the Court of Appeal, writes Today’s Business.

The Danish shipping company Holship and employer Association Business Association believes that Norway today practicing organizational duty in Norwegian ports, in violation of human rights.

the battle core is that the Norwegian Transport Workers’ Federation (NTF) requires that Holship joins the Framework Agreement for stevedores services that give preferential NTF organized dockers. Since last June, the workers physically boycotted three of Holships calls in Drammen.

Holship will themselves use their own employees for unloading and loading ..

– Now you less to do and not a permanent job if you are not in the NTF, says lawyer Nicolay vessel Ning, representing both Holship and Business Association. (© NTB)


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