Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hoping to avoid chaos on Monday – Rakkestad Newspaper

Hoping to avoid chaos on Monday – Rakkestad Newspaper

chaos last Monday was particularly emphasizes the NSB. They have since made several changes that will lead to significantly fewer passengers at track 19 at Oslo S.

– The traffic situation around Oslo S has provided additional challenges, which peaked on Monday August 4, when travelers unfortunately standing in long queues. On Monday, many returned after the holiday. The road system could not handle the increased traffic. We did not get the bus from Oslo S, explains Duty press Håkon Myhre NSB.

termination of bus service in Oslo is dependent on good cooperation between NSB, bus companies, train, Oslo and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. There are also limitations related to the road system around Oslo S and it quickly becomes full when buses replace trains as well as meetings rush hour traffic by other buses and cars.

– To ensure safety, it is not possible to get more buses into the slot 19 at one time, and it takes time to get many travelers in buses. NSB doing the best we can in relation to the existing traffic situation in and around Oslo S, says Myhre.

Opened before time

After Monday’s problems with bus termination from Oslo S as National Rail on the ability to exit work earlier. It turned out that the heavy work has gone according to plan, and that it therefore did not need the extra time to always be entered to deal with unforeseen problems and delays in implementation.? Furthermore, Jernbaneverket extra manpower needed to overcome some work and exposing a some maintenance tasks that can be performed at night when there are trains. Oslo S – Kolbotn therefore opened Wednesday morning, 12 hours earlier than initially planned.

– National Rail hope this will solve the problems travelers Østfoldbanen experienced in the afternoon rush hour. As of Thursday moved NSB bus scheme from Oslo S to Rosenholmveien. Thus, all who travel by local train to go off on Ski Rosenholmveien and change to bus from there to ski, says Rail Administration on its website.

Other travelers with Østfoldbanen should still take the bus from track 19 on Oslo S.

Made adaptations

– We knew that the situation will change when the distance from Oslo S to Kolbotn was opened to train. There will be significantly fewer passengers on tracks 19 and fewer buses to go out in the road system, says Myhre NSB.

But while there will probably be more cars on the roads.

– From Monday 11 . august is even more to be back at work. NSB is as well prepared as possible to accommodate all travelers, he said.

NSB, Diamonds, Oslo police Rail, Public Roads Administration and the Municipality of Oslo had a meeting about what they can do to improve the situation.

As of Monday afternoon, the police shall assist the buses ahead Bjørvika queue, type NRK Østfold.

Rods Operagata between at. 14 and noon. 18

That a type of road users are given priority, means that it is getting harder to come before others.

NPRA says that this means that opera street is completely closed to traffic while traffic is routed. They ask all the motorists to use Opera tunnel instead. Access to Sørenga will be from Grønlia, and those going to need to use Barcode King Håkon 5s gate.


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