Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Edward Snowden gets Bjornson Prize and invited Norway – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Bjørnson Prize 2015 is awarded to Edward Snowden.

The jury that Snowden gets the prize because “his work for privacy and to direct a critical eye toward states ‘surveillance of their and others’ citizens.”

Invited to Norway

Edward Snowden invited immediately to Molde in September to receive the award. The award will take place during the year Bjornson Seminar, where monitoring will be the theme.

Snowden is in exile in Moscow, but legal assessments made on behalf of Bjørnson Academy makes it clear that there is a legal reason to believe that Edward Snowden may come to Norway from its refuge in Moscow, without be extradited to the United States, as many will fear.

“With considerable courage and personal integrity have Snowden knowingly renounced a bright career as prominent computer expert in the American intelligence service. This he has done out of a conviction that the world’s population should be aware that anyone risked being bugged and monitored by the US government “it says on the jury.

Bs Solberg for help

In a letter to Prime Minister Erna Solberg asks academy Solberg and Justice Minister Anders Anundsen to ensure that Edward Snowden allowed to come to Norway to receive the prize in Molde, without extradited.

The US government has revoked Snow Its passports, but there are legal powers to give foreigners the opportunity for entry into Norway without a passport in exceptional circumstances.

In June 2013 announced Snowden, with help from journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, a material which documented the NSA, in collaboration with some of its foremost allies, worked systematically and deliberately eavesdropping of phone calls and storing private data from very many people.

The former CIA and NSA employee data technician warn earlier this spring against the National Security Agency also saves nude pictures of most people.


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