Sunday, December 21, 2014

SAS flights to Vaernes had an emergency landing – VG

SAS flights to Vaernes had an emergency landing – VG

An SAS aircraft with 171 passengers on their way to Vaernes from Las Palmas on Gran Canaria had Saturday turn around and make an emergency landing.

– The captain told us eventually that he had contacted the ground crew, and that they had found something that lay on the court after us, telling passenger Eva Lian Levanger Trønder newspaper.

According to Lian, the passengers told that the aircraft had punctured.

– A passenger also something on the wing, she says.

They stayed a while in the air , partly because they had to get rid of some fuel.

– We were told to sit in emergency landing position, and to do that staff said. There were some who cried and was afraid, says Lian, who felt confident and proud that the situation was under control.

The emergency landing in Las Palmas went well

– The captain was Norwegian and it seemed as though they had control, says Lian according Trønder newspaper.

When Trønder newspaper spoke with Lian tonight they waited for the taxi to get in a hotel.


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