Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ulvemotstandere alerts new torchlight – Folkebladet

Oslo (NTB): It all adds up to new large-scale ulvedemonstrasjon against the government at the end of January.

the Organizers are setting up buses from several counties to Oslo. Where will the demonstrators go in torchlight procession from Parliament to the Prime minister’s office to deliver a message directly to prime minister Erna Solberg (H).

“the Government’s handling of the ulvesaken a rebel by many. The flertallsvedtak about bestandsmÃ¥l for the wolf is, in practice, parked through the government’s management,” writes the Norges Jeger – og Fiskerforbund in this County, which is one of the organizers.

A similar demonstration against the government’s ulvevedtak 4. January collected between 1.500 and 2.000 participants.

I understand that the decision is difficult for people who live in ulvesonen, especially for farmers and other landowners, says in Jon Georg Dale (progress party) to NTB.

It is expected that representatives from several municipalities and hunter, forest and agricultural associations will participate. The demonstration comes in the occasion that the Parliament the day after to discuss the question. (©NTB)


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