Monday, December 12, 2016

Yrkessjåfør notified emergency services: Residential totalskadd in the fire – NRK

We received a message about a fire in a residential building of a yrkessjåfør. Emergency services were notified and mobilised, ” says the operator at the Harstad police station, Tore-Magnus Børseth to NRK.

The two residents who were in the house was awakened by a smoke detector who struck out.

We have worked a little with the clearance of what that could potentially be dangerous in the house during the fire. But, it has gone relatively quiet.

Total burned

the House was so overtent when firefighters arrived, the only thing that remained was a controlled nedbrenning.

– We also had to ensure that no fire spread to the naboområder, ” says Børseth.

At the incident location are now working the fire brigade to end the fire and control the last part of the building as it burns in.

– But the house is completely burned down now.

All nødetater caught in the morning out on the message about the fire.

Photo: Jens Other M. Birkeland

search for brannårsak

the Landlord is taken care of by paramedics on site.

– He has probably been predisposed to smoke and get some help for it now.

When it is possible to come closer to the lot will the police and fire departments searching for possible brannårsak.

– Then we will work to find any new information that may shed light on why the fire broke out, end the Tore-Magnus Børseth to NRK.


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