Thursday, December 8, 2016

Think the interrogation should have been aborted – Aftenbladet.en

– The right would have been to terminate the interrogation until it was a defender he could be discussed with. May the interrogation continue. It is my opinion of how the situation should have been dealt with, says lawyer Svein Kjetil Stallemo to Fædrelandsvennen late Wednesday night.

Without a defender present confessed 15-year-old on Tuesday to have killed the Tone Ilebekk (48) and Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14).

the Boy was on Tuesday afternoon summoned to the police to submit an explanation as a witness. After the Fædrelandsvennen know, met the 15-year-old with his mother.

– May have legal consequences

In the interrogation was he informed that he was indicted for the killings. Then gave him an explanation in which he acknowledged the actual conditions, ” says attorney Stallemo.

– do you Mean the interrogation of the boy can not be used, as some suggest?

” The fact that he is in the age and the interrogation have continued, can have legal consequences. But some legal analysis of it I have not intend to give through the media, rather in the more orderly forms facing police, answer Stallemo.

He emphasises that it is of importance that the police have illuminated a 15-year-old that he has the right to a lawyer. Still believes the defender is “a material difference” if it is a gjengangerkriminell or a new adolescent on the opposite side of the table.

– Have thwarted an important issue

the Police’s course of action reaps criticism from several quarters.

– Now the question becomes whether this interrogation can be used. I can see for me that the persons being put under considerable pressure to repeat the recognition under the legal forms, and with defender present. Police have thwarted an important case, ” says lawyer Marius Oscar Dietrichson, who is the leader of forsvarergruppen in the bar association.

Dietrichson in the bar association believes that it is very objectionable.

From the moment it was clear to the police that they would be aiming him for the killings, they should have interrupted the interrogation and called into a defender, ” he says.

the Interrogation over when the batsman came

Opposite the Aftenposten wanted the Agder police on Wednesday night not to go in on what happened when 15-year-old changed his status from suspect to charged.

When 21-time on Tuesday took the matter such a turn that the 15-year-old was informed that the police thought it was he who was behind the killings. He was simultaneously informed about their rights as charged. Attorney Stallemo was contacted and asked if he could be 15-åringens defender. When Stallemo arrived politihuset, was the interrogation over.

Earlier Wednesday explained kriminalsjef Terje K. Skaar opposite Fædrelandsvennen that it was carried out etterforskningsskritt against 15-year-old at the same time that he was interrogated as a witness. After the confessions gave 15-year-old a detailed explanation to the police.

Added to the psychiatric after interrogation

Dietrichson points out that the defendant is particularly vulnerable. After the interrogation he was put into a psychiatric institution.

he is not even able to decide whether he will renounce his right to the defender. The state has an obligation to provide him a defense that he can consult with. He is only a boy of 15 with mental problems. He may not be treated as a resourceful adult, ” he says.

Dietrichson points out that the way it is now, we know not the circumstances under which the confessions were given under.

– The only thing we know is that a 15-year-old with mental issues has been locked up on a avhørsrom with trained avhørere and confessed a terrible crime, ” he says.

It is not to faith, nor of respect to the public or of respect to the relatives, that one may not be able to follow the elementary sakbehandlingsregler.

Not to think

Dietrichson, questioning whether the interrogation is lawful.

– It is not to faith, nor of respect to the public or of respect to the relatives, that one may not be able to follow the elementary sakbehandlingsregler, ” says Dietrichson.

the newspaper Aftenposten has asked the Agder police to respond to the criticism from the Dietrichson. What they wanted on Wednesday night not to make. On the other hand says kriminalsjef Terje K. Skaar, through its kommunikasjonsavdeling, they have recorded that the siktedes defender will correct any criticism directly to the police.

– We will give a feedback to the defender if it comes to something from there, ” says Skaar.


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