Sunday, December 11, 2016

The opposition will have Listhaug-answers about the rus-sia – Romsdals Budstikke

TV 2 reported recently that Russia denies that there has been no agreement on the return of asylum seekers with multivisum so Listhaug several times has claimed both orally and in writing.

A united opposition now requires an oral explanation from the minister.

– Now we must have a clarity in what really is said and done, and the agreements that lies there, or not there, ” says member of parliament Stein Erik Lauvås (Ap) to TV 2.

There are asylum seekers who came across the border to rus-sia as it mainly is about.

Listhaug has since February claimed that Norway has an agreement with Russia about to send back asylum seekers with multivisum. But the Russian embassy denied this tidigere of the week opposite the CHANNELS 2. (©NTB)


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