Friday, December 9, 2016

The government will have increased competition in the agricultural – Romsdals Budstikke

the Government will have increased competition in the agricultural sector and proposes to discontinue the current scheme for the market regulation of grain and eggs.

Within the grains, and eggs may markedsbalanseringen be made by an independent player. It will strengthen the legitimacy and to remove the uncertainty about some players enjoy advantages that others do not have, ” says minister of agriculture mr. Jon Georg Dale (progress party) to NTB. Also for apple and matpotet, the government will discontinue the markedsbalanseringen and introduce equal treatment with the production of fruit and vegetables.

In the landbruksmeldingen which was published on Friday, maintained ” – The role that markedsregulator for cow’s milk, but the government notifications at the same time other measures to strengthen competition. Nortura shall retain its role as the markedsregulator in meat production, but the government will introduce a mottaksplikt from independent actors.


the target price and volummodellen for pork is also proposed discontinued, which will imply that the scheme is the same for pork as for the other kjøttslag.

Landbruksmeldingen are also called for stricter climate measures in agriculture. In dialogue with the industry to be a concrete plan for emission reductions are developed.

– We will put a greater emphasis on klimahensyn in the upcoming jordbruksoppgjør. It is not possible to produce food without emissions, but it is important to reduce the overall klimagassutslippet from agriculture, ” says Dale.

Cutter melkeregioner

the Number of regions for milk production proposed to be cut from 19 to 10, and Dale continues with the new grip the geographical produksjonsfordelingen.

– to increase and improve the efficiency of the Norwegian food production must agriculture be given the opportunity to readjust itself. The most important thing is to ensure agricultural production throughout the country. The best soil to use for crops and grøntproduksjon, not pets, ” he says.

The 10 melkeregionene will provide a more cost-efficient production and more opportunities for farmers in all regions, according to the government.

Organic cut

the Government is also committed to remove the 15-prosentmålet for ecological turnover and production in the landbruksmeldingen.

today we have significantly more production than what is actually being traded. Long-term consumer trends pulls in the direction of organic products, but there is no idea to maintain a goal that leads to increased matsvinn, ” says Dale.

He also called for removing the funding of opplysningskontorene for milk, meat and egg over the sales. This frees up approximately 100 million nok to the Norwegian farmers.

– Opplysningsvirksomheten can if desired be continued by the food industry in their own direction, ” says Dale.


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