Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dobbeltdrapet in Kristiansand, norway: Here, Jacob off the bus before he was killed – VG

KRISTIANSAND (VG) one of the last things Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14) did before he was stabbed and killed, was to take the bus to this stop.

He left the bus at the stop Talks/Freyasdalsveien, told police at the press conference on Tuesday evening.

Mona Maalin, an acquaintance of the Norwegian-somali family, said to Fædrelandsvennen that she saw Jacob Abdullahi Hassan just in Markviksveien a short time prior to him turning her forcefully. Then he went down the road together with another boy.

He was taller than Jacob and had a Norwegian, or at least, not african, look. He also had a backpack on, ” says Maalin to Fædrelandsvennen.

About 20 minutes later, she heard sirens from an ambulance.

BACKGROUND: Woman and boy knivdrept school in Kristiansand

Want to know where it killed 14-year-old would

Police work from several possible hypotheses. The commander of the Joint kriminalenhet, Terje Kaddeberg Skaar, says the movement pattern of Hassan is interesting.

– He went on the bus by Henrik Wergelands gate clock 15.30 and went off the bus near the scene of the crime. This is a bus ride which takes 10-12 minutes, ” he says.

It means that he was near the scene right before the police got the message about knivstikkingen. Skaar tells VG that a video camera on the bus filmed the 14-year-old.

” We are still very interested in getting in touch with the people who know what the deceased wanted. He has an appointment with someone? Any who would he hit? Anyone who has information about it is encouraged to contact the police, ” he says.

mobile computing,

the Police informs that they have information about mobilbruken to the murdered 14-year-old is interesting.

– We have information about the death of the 14-åringens mobile computing. It is information it is worth to investigate closer, illuminated Skaar to VG after Tuesday’s press conference.

Skaar says police are still interested in getting in touch with the audience that was in the vicinity when the murder of Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14) and the Tone Ilebekk (48) took place. He informed us that they follow several tips that are interesting.

the Police have questioned over 60 potential witnesses, ” says Skaar to NRK after the press conference. During the press conference he said that the police do not have any specific suspects.

Seen this? the victims

– Demanding investigation

Skaar characterize the investigation as demanding.

– It is a difficult scene for krimteknisk to investigate, because of the traffic. Tactically, there are many people involved. When one has a serious criminal case with an unknown perpetrator, it becomes a challenging investigation resource, he said.

see also: Tone Ilebekk was killed – the family is in shock,

Skaar says that the social circle of Hassan is interesting for the investigation. The police still do not know whether there is one or more gjerningspersoner, and still have no direct witnesses to what happened.

Skaar lit also that there is created a lawyer for the killed Tone Ilebekk (48), but not yet for Hassan.

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Police in Kristiansand, worked Tuesday on the high gear with both the tactical and technical assistance from Kripos.

Ilebekk work and worked in the vicinity of the venue at Lund. Tobarnsmoren was hired as an assistant in a nursery school that is located not far from the elementary school where the killings happened.

14-year-old Hassan was both a resident and went to school on the other side of the city, at Fiskå in the vicinity of the Vågsbygd.

The two were declared dead two hours after the police received a message about knivstikkingen.

Graphics:, Tom Byermoen, VG

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