Friday, December 9, 2016

Dale provides more frislipp and remove the target organic foods – ABC News

We could have gone longer. I have considered it on an ongoing basis, but recognises that changes must happen gradually.

It said the ministry of agriculture and mr. Jon Georg Dale(progress party) as he today presented its white paper “Change and development – A future-oriented agricultural production”.

- I think we have a balance that ensures to develop production at a pace that makes sure the farmers will be on development and not standing on the platform when the train goes by, he adds.

After sharp reactions from both the centre party and the Bondelaget, warns the minister against the largely static trench warfare.

More food, away with ecological goals

- I fear that it may be a largely static trench warfare, without that there is a basis for it in the message, he says.

- We will increase the agricultural production on the Norwegian resources. But the individual farmer must decide what they will produce.

There goes the government to remove markedsreguleringen of pork and grain, and to reduce the number of melkeregioner from 19 to ten. It means that melkekvotene freer can be sold from one part of the country to another.

Goal has been to reach that 15 percent of landbruksvarene and areas to be ecological, to be removed as a political goal and is left to the market.

I believe agriculture must produce what consumers want, and not what the state believes consumers should eat, ” says Dale.

Move from the old to the young

Government alerts are still the priority of the store, effective use.

the Government will “facilitate the enterprises have opportunities to develop production and reducing costs per unit produced.”

- My intention is not only to help the largest uses, ” says Dale, however, and shows that the government has deferred the costly requirement of løsdrift in fjøsene.

In a white paper yesterday the government also to remove bønders the possibility of early retirement, something the Left and the christian democratic party has previously put the foot down.

” I believe we must give the opportunity for people to get into the statistics cover a sample, rather than to reward those that want out. We do not take out the money, but move them to rekrutteringer.

see also: Friday 9. December skjebnedag for the Norwegian smallholders

Let the bureaucrats take over more

in Spite of what the Right and conservative party previously has said, ” continues the government avtalesystemet as today.

- It will give demanding jordbruksforhandlinger also next year.

Also inntektsmålet that says that Norwegian farmers should have a inntektsutvikling in line with the rest of the population, be maintained..

- We will increase the production on the Norwegian resources. But the individual farmer must determine the production, ” says Dale, who also alerts greater emphasis on mitigation in the coming jordbruksoppgjør.

the Job of balancing the supply and demand for jordbruksproduktene should, to some extent, from the private, bondeeide samvirkeselskapene, to the state bureaucracy.

- I propose my own model for markedsbalansering. Different products need different instruments. I do grip that is intended to strengthen competition in the food industry, ” says Dale.

In the dairy sector suggests he is still Tine that markedsregulator, but will take some new initiatives.

Norturas responsibility to balance the market for meat are also retained, but it is introduced mottaksplikt for Nortura from other slaughterhouses.

on the other hand, he will wind up Norturas balancing of the market for eggs. Instead, he will transfer the work part to the state, by Landbruksdirektoratet.

He now wants to discontinue the markedsreguleringen samvirkeselskapet the Funding has ståt for. It should still be a målpris. Once again add the progress party-the minister up to the state to take possession of the requirements of market regulation.

Markedsbalansering of apples and potatoes should also be disregarded.

- Is it a paradox for a progress party politician to transfer parts of the reguleringsjobben from private companies to government bureaucrats?

- Regjeringsplattforma say we’ll do markedsreguleringen more independent of the co-operation. The whole of the market to have confidence in the balanseringa that takes place. We are continuing to cooperate deni meat and milk. Where there is relatively high confidence. For the eggs, and grains, there are other considerations, ” he says to ABC News.

- Attacker agriculture from all sides

the Norwegian farmers ‘union strongly respond to the message:

- We see a new attack on the diversity in Norwegian agriculture, and it will have to weaken our way of producing food,” says the head of Norway’s farmers ‘ union, Lars Petter Bartnes, in a press release.

In this jordbruksmeldinga attempt for the government to remove a number of enkeltordninger which together will help to ensure that the distriktslandbruket weakened sharply, and the farmer gets the greater the risk, ” says Lars Petter Bartnes.

see also: Bygdeprofessor Was inventing new agricultural policy for the Uk

The overall policy for agriculture, the recent period has been set out in the white paper no. 19 presented by the in Kåre Gjønnes (KrF) in Bondevikregjeringen in December 1999.

Then came the present coalition government’s white paper no. 9 put forward by the ministry of agriculture and mr. Lars Peder Brekk (Sp) in December 2011.

Read the comment: Sylvi Listhaugs political masterstroke

Article updated


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