Wednesday, December 14, 2016

120 new Routes-vehicles will go environmentally friendly biodiesel, clothed with solcellefilm … – Tu.en

Students at Romerike will be transported to the school in the new electric vans next year. It became clear on Tuesday when Glass signed new contracts with the operators who will purchase and drive a total of 120 vans in spesialtransport on the Interpretation.

Of the 120 buses 10 be helelektriske. Eight of the remaining 110 buses operate on biogas.

the Rest to use the HVO, so-called renewable diesel, which shall be made without the use of palm oil as raw material.


according to Rutersjef Bernt Reitan Jensen, it has not been easy to get to as eco-friendly procurement.

– It is only in the very recent past that a couple of manufacturers have made it possible to order helelektriske minibuses. The buses that go to the HVO is, in practice, equipped with conventional diesel engines, but until now none of the manufacturers extended motorgarantiene to apply the HVO as fuel. We have now got to.

– We can say that elektrifiseringen is in progress in this segment, and we are very happy that the operators have been with to take the risk. We as the purchaser of transport services can make demands, but we are dependent of that the industry can deliver, ” he says.

Iveco elminibuss: Ten such kjørøyer in minibussutgave will traffic Even with schoolchildren from around april next år.
Iveco elminibuss: Ten such vehicles in minibussutgave will traffic Even with schoolchildren from around april next year. Photos: Iveco

Reitan Jensen think smaller buses are going to get a more important role in the future. They can offer more flexible transport and he believes the future of småbusser will be both electric and autonomous.

– Some are very optimistic about this development, but in order to get some frames we have asked the most conservative thinkers within the transportation industry about how long this development will take. They answer that it probably will take 10 to 12 years we are there and the answer surprises us. We thought they would answer much longer, but this gives reason for optimism around efficient and completely emission-free public transport, ” he says.

In the Square the criteria for purchase have price been weighted at 40 per cent, while the environment has been jacked up to 30 per cent, and it is the most important thing is greenhouse gas emissions. There is a level you think kollektivtransportselskaper will come to add themselves.

Despite the demanding criteria ended up a total 19.2 million kroner under budget.

To charge solstrøm

Even if it is only 10 elbusser in this round, there is naturally linked with the most interest to them. It is Taxus Akershus as, which will operate them when elbussene popping up around april next year.

Elbussene will be used to skolekjøring. It means that they will go from five to seven miles of mornings and just as far in the afternoon. In the meantime, they will hurtiglades, while they will langtidslades at night.

In the garage, where they shall have the base, will be around 300 m2 solar cells in the roof, which they expect to be able to produce approximately 35.000 kilowatt-hours annually. It will cover most of the execution.

the Buses that use the G will get about 5 m2 with solcellefilm attached to the busstaket. It will relieve the dynamo of the buses that are equipped with start-stoppmotor and make that the engine will move less, because the battery does not need to do much charging.


The electrical minibussene shall be supplied by IVECO and will be equipped with three battery packs with a total capacity of 84 kilowatt-hours. On paper it should give it over five tons heavy bus long range, but Taxus do not want to count more than 16 miles. It is enough to kjørerutene and go buses longer it will come as a positive surprise.

the Batteries in the buses are using is not a lithium-ion battery, but a natriumionebatteri. It does not have as high ladetetthet as lithium ion batteries, but can, in return, strong cold, is cheaper and can deliver very high current.


” as far As we know, there is no one who has bought into so many electric vans yet, so here are the Routes early. It is important, for it will affect a very large bilsegment, says teknologiansvarlig in Zero, Marius Gjerset.

Both the vans and the vans use the same chassis and when the market for electrification is coming, it will affect producers, ” says Gjerset.


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