Thursday, November 10, 2016

Three people are missing after massive mudslide in Sørum – the Newspaper.en

LAST FRIDAY.19.41: Police say they are now looking for three estimated casualties after the massive jordraset in Sørum.

SØRUM/OSLO (Dagbladet): According to Romerikes Blad received the fire department message kdeceived 15.55 that there has been a large landslide at the Asakveien in Sørum.

MUDSLIDE: So it looked just a few minutes after the slide had passed. Photo: Svein Albertsen Show more

- Three people will be missed. Redningshunder is intense, ” says vaktleder Ole-Erik Gransbråten in the Nedre Romerike fire and redningsvesen to the

the Police on the Interpretation also confirms on Twitter that three people are missing.

rescue teams are searching in the slide, enter the police.

At 19.40-time on Thursday evening informing the police that they are now searching for the supposed deceased persons.

and with that there is made some kind of discovery so far, so is it now after the deceased people. We believe it is not possible to find life, ” says politets innsatsleder Knut Hammer to the NTB.

Saved itself

According to the Hammer was a piece of work in the field by Asakveien when the landslide happened.

- Three people managed to evacuate out of the area, and in addition has one person been more easily damaged by a tree, ” says the Hammer to the Newspaper.

HELIKOPTERSTØTTE: Three people were taken of the massive jordraset, and the police says that these is believed to be dead. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet Show more

The three people who are missing were working in the field when the landslide was triggered.

A tractor has also disappeared in the landslide.

the Slide is 500 x 250 metres wide. According to the NTB should the road be opened April 22. november.

On the way into the slide

Just after at 19: 00 tells the police innsatsleder on the spot, Knut Hammer that it is now considered safe for hjelpemannskaper to get into in the ras area.

- the Fire department has now gone into, he says to Dagbladet.

He also says that rescue crews searching for deceased people.

and with that there is made some kind of discovery so far, so is it now after the deceased people, ” says the Hammer to the

Police are searching currently in the outer edge of the slide, as it still is floating a lot longer. They seek with the dog.

Police had to wait almost three hours on that a geologist should investigate before they could start the rescue work.

SEARCH: Thursday night, it was sought in sydenden of the landslide. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet Show more

- It is liquid mass inside the slide. We stand here with lots of hjelpemannskaper, but right now, it is too dangerous to enter both for two – and firebeinte, said Hammer to Dagbladet before tonight.

- Probably through quick clay

in Addition, jordskredvakt, Anne Fleig by NVE says that as of now is too early to say anything about the cause of the landslide in Sørum.

- This is a landslide we basically do not alerts, because it most likely is a through quick clay-ras. NVE alerts mudslides and soil related to water supply, while through quick clay is a completely different process, ” says Fleig.

through quick clay can race virtually at any time, ” she adds.


CLOSED WAY: Road 256 is shut off as a result of the landslide. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet Show more

- There is talk of a massive landslide. Three fire stations are notified. Health and police are on site, and we have requisitioned a helicopter, ” says vaktleder Ole-Erik Gransbråten in the Nedre Romerike fire and redningsvesen to the NTB.

- We are on-site together with the police and the air ambulance. Redningshunder is on the way, says vaktleder at 110 centre on the Interpretation of the face of the Newspaper at 16.35.

the community of Sørum has decided to put kriseledelse, says mayor Marianne Grimstad Hansen towards the Newspaper.

- It is tragic that this has happened, ” says the mayor.

On Twitter, writing Interpretation 110-dispatcher the following:

- NRBR/Easter: running into a landslide at Asakvegen, Sørum.

prints the Road 256 is closed as a result of the landslide.

Dagbladet come with more.

LANDSLIDE: So it looks after jordraset by Asakveien in Sørum in Akershus, norway. Video: Svein Albertsen Show more

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