Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The supreme court sharpens the punishment for animal cruelty – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

Farmer, who is in his late 30s, had appealed the judgement of the frostating court of appeal , where he was sentenced to imprisonment for one year and two months. He is sentenced for gross violation of the dyrevelferdsloven, because he has failed to give 92 cattle food so they starved to death.

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Slow death

the food safety Authority went out to the farm 20. march of last year, and found when 92 ihjelsultede cattle. The farmer was first in the Namdal district court sentenced to four months in jail. The inspection of food safety revealed that some of the animals were still bound fast to the cubicles when they were found.

According to the tingrettsdommen showed the investigation that the animals ‘ food supply will have stopped in time before christmas in 2014, and that they then suffered a slow death.

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the Stricter the punishment

the Prosecution appealed the verdict on four months in prison from the district court , and the frostating lagmannsrett sharpened the punishment to one year and two months in prison . When appealed man to the Supreme court. Where asked the prosecutor about the prison in two and a half years for the farmer.

Enacted for serious offences against the dyrevelferdsloven is three years.

the Farmer is also fradømt the right to own, groom, hold, or otherwise have responsibility for the pets in for up to ten years.


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