Friday, November 18, 2016

The left-Trine: “We have had a good and constructive meeting”.en

(Dagbladet): Just after 22.10 in the evening came KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide out of statsministerboligen in Oslo. He had just been in a skjebnemøte about the state budget, but revealed that the parties came to an agreement.

Budsjettforhandlingene continues thus in the morning, he told to the press outside the statsministerboligen.

a Short time after him came the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande, which is very tight-lipped rushed into a taxi after some quick comments on the who were present presseoppbudet.

- Good and constructive

- I can probably say there has been movement, said the Left leader, which, according to NTB believes she has gained through the party’s message.

” We have had a good and constructive meeting and the Government has got a lot to work with, she writes in an sms to Dagbladet.

Actually, it was expected that you would come to one or another kind of clarification at tonight’s meeting, which took place in statsministerboligen.

When Hareide arrived at the meeting, characterized the he the namely, that a skjebnemøte.

When the meeting was called off late Friday, was the parties, therefore, nevertheless, agreed to negotiate further.

Canceled the dinner

With tonight’s meeting the promise of prime minister Erna Solberg talks about the budget up to partiledernivå.

According to the NTB, canceled, she and a dinner in Bergen to try to save the budsjettfloken.

the Question is whether the coalition parties have more to bring to the table for that samarbeidspartiene to be satisfied.

Earlier on Friday it became known that the government has added three billion to various climate and other measures.

It is however unclear if it is enough to sweeten samarbeidspartiene in the issue of the green skatteskifte.

Unpopular ultimatum

the coalition parties started budsjettforhandlingene to present a ulitimatum about it as of now has been given the nickname can be a problem.

the Left and the progress party has been steep in each corner in question about this package, which has not been touched so far in the negotiations.

the Purpose of tonight’s meeting was to map out what that particular kamphanene Siv Jensen (Frp) and Trine Skei Grande (V) may agree.

Hareide leave before the meeting not hide the fact that it is demanding negotiations and emphasized that they will include also other things than can be a problem.

Everybody knows which the challenges of the green shift, but also in important areas such as school and district, all that remains is a good part for that Sector shall be satisfied, said Hareide to pressekorpset who stood outside the statsministerboligen.

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