Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The centre party fear the poor DAB-emergency preparedness – working hard to expose FM … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): In its alternative budget for 2017 suggest the center party to set aside 40 million to cover the costs to postpone the slukkingen of FM-online radio, sign Newspaper news agency (REC). The plan is for the FM-slukkingen start 11. January next year.

- We believe that one must expose slukkingen to start in Nordland 11. January, and so goes on kind in kind throughout the country, ” says Janne Sjelmo Nordås, member of parliament and parlmentarisk deputy of the center party, to Dagbladet.

The alternative budget put forward today.

the Proposal in the Centre party’s alternative budget, together with the proposal they submitted in Parliament in the autumn, to postpone slukkingen. Kulturkommiteen shall submit its recommendation 24. november, and the Parliament should treat the case 6. December.

EXPOSING the SLUKKINGEN: Janne Sjelmo Nordås, member of parliament and parliamentary deputy of the center party, says that many reports about poor DAB coverage, and that she sees good reason to take it seriously. PHOTO: the centre party. Show more

a Lot of feedback

In the course of the next year, the national radio channels, in addition to the commercial channels in the major cities, quench their FM broadcasts and go over to DAB online. The local radio stations will be able to continue on FM-web for some years to come.

FM-net goes out, the first in Nordland, where is this happening 11. January. Then follow the rest of the country in order through the year, forward to the Troms and Finnmark, which is the last region, and that goes for FM-web 13. December.

- the Proposal to postpone the FM-slukkingen comes very close to the planned slukkingen?

All you må know about DAB and the extinguishing of the FM-nettetDu må nødvendigvis kjøpe new radio dinside

- Yes, it is. But the background is that we still get feedback from people around the country about that it is the poor DAB coverage, and that there is reason to be concerned about preparedness. Through NRK P1 we get the update about the weather conditions, things that happen on the roads, whether there has been a landslide, and other things that we should be aware of has happened in the community close to us, ” says Sjelmo Nordås, and adds that radio is an important part of emergency preparedness.


Slukkingen of FM-web radio has created a large engasjemt. Sjelmo Nordås think this is the enkeltsaken where she has received the most feedback from people.

I think never I have received so much feedback from people who drive a lot car, people who are at sea in a work situation, who are staying at the cottage or at his residence, and that tells us that DAB quality is not good enough. There are many who opt from, and I see good reason to take it seriously, she says to Dagbladet.

Not good enough

Sjelmo Nordås tells us that she has had meetings with the organisation digital radio Uk, which is owned by NRK and P4-group, and working for a smooth transition from analogue to digital radio in Norway.

- They said that they should build out more in the course of the summer, and we had a hope that it would help the situation. It have it done, but not enough. Therefore, promoted the we the proposal in the fall. We believe simply that it is not advisable to extinguish the FM net this winter, ” says Sjelmo Nordås.

- NRK has previously stated that emergency preparedness and response will be better on DAB?

There may be a time in the future when DAB is well enough developed. But this is not about that there are people who are unable to adjust the antennas, or add on to another technology. There are so many reports about poor coverage, that it is also about development. It must happen next so you have a well enough developed in the DAB network before one turns off the FM net for good, she says.

DAB-nestor: – DAB is better already

Øyvind Vasaasen, head of department in the Norwegian broadcasting corporation, believes, however, that the DAB network is already well enough developed.

- the Web is more or less finished. We now covers 99,7% of the population. Preparedness is better on DAB than on FM-web now already, ” says Vasaasen to the Newspaper.

important dates: See når, that is the end of the FM radio where you live dinside

- Janne Sjelmo Nordås believe the development that was done in the summer is not enough to get a good emergency?

If she had turned up to the briefings that both the NRK and digital radio Uk have given to the Parliament in the autumn, she had received information about the number of new transmitters that are set up. This is the information her colleagues on the Nordlandsbenken have been, but she chose not to come, ” says Vasaasen.

He adds that they also asked Jane Sjelmo Nordås report any dekningsproblemer so that they can be corrected.

- This we have I on the several times since in spring, but it has been completely quiet, ” says Vasaasen.

Sjelvik Nordås says to the newspaper Dagbladet that she has not had the opportunity to collect together all the feedback she has gotten on the bad DAB coverage, but that she has asked everyone who has made contact with her to give the information on to the Norwegian broadcasting corporation.

Want to increase the state support

In the alternative state budget will the centre party also increase state support with 43 million.

- Many media houses need state support to have the opportunity to drive. Many have cut much of their staff, and it leads to that they may not be able to be as on the ball in the matters, as one could desire, ” says Sjelmo Nordås.

She also states that one sees a quite dramatic situation around the country, after lørdagsposten was cut.

- Although all should get lørdagsavisen, it was not like that. Now we begin to see that people unsubscribe its because they don’t get lørdagsavisen. If people say their subscription means there is a further attenuation of the mediemangfoldet we have, and it is very bad news, ” says Sjelmo Nordås.

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