Monday, November 21, 2016

No new action plans for endangered species – Today’s Business


For three and a half years ago, said Miljødirektoratet that a number of action plans for endangered Norwegian species was “soon finished”. So far it is only prepared paner for 13 of 2.355 endangered species.

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the Agency discloses to Dagsavisen that it is not set in motion the preparation of any new plans since 2013. On the question of why this has not happened, the answer seksjonssjef Brady Rambjør Heide:

– Miljødirektoratets activity is governed by the styringssignal and the priorities we receive from the Climate and miljødepartementet.

It is also the answer to the question of whether it ought not to be drawn up new plans as soon as possible, considering that far over 2.000 of the 4.438 endangered species are threatened.

Four of the thirteen plans that are available, apply to birds. It means that the missing plans for 42 of the most vulnerable bird species.

– It is natural to begin to create action plans for species that are critically threatened and strongly threatened, but it is also høyaktuelt with plans for many species that are listed as vulnerable, ” says naturvernrådgiver Martin Eggen of the Norwegian Ornithological Society to the newspaper. He refers to several species in which the population is reduced drastically.

– the Decline of black guillemots has been at 99 per cent in the Norwegian sea, and somewhat less in the Barents sea, ” says Eggen. The population of brushane is reduced by 80-90 percent since the beginning of the 1990s.


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