Tuesday, November 8, 2016

In this building had to Securitas fotfølge renholderne – Daily

the ministry of Defence decided in 2014 that renholdstjenestene in the whole of the defence sector should privatiseres. The purpose was to save money. Instead ended the Service with a ekstraregning of 150,000 million plus vat. The private rengjøringsfirmaet the ISS, which won all the anbudskontraktene in the Armed forces, failed the security clearance renholderne their in time. Therefore, had the Norwegian defence estates agency in four months to pay a Securitas guard to follow after them while they washed. At the same time was around 400 renholdsstillinger cut.

According to ABC News suggests the contract Defense has entered into with ISS an annual cost of 263 million for the next seven years, which is about the same as when the work is performed by its own employees.

Safety cost expensive

Privatization has also led to a vulnerability, ” says chief union representative Ann Berit Sagedal in the Service.

– We have very little faith that the Service saves money on this. The use of Securitas-the guards are just an example of the expenses of the følgetjenester and control measures has increased since the cleaning was privatised. That at least is certain, is that the Armed forces receive less cleaning. Sikkerhetsklareringen takes a long time and there is a lot of turnover among the private renholderne. This is going to be a persistent problem that should have been taken more seriously, says Sagedal.

The same stressing forbundsleder John Leirvaag in English Tjenestemannslag (NTL), which organizes many of the renholderne in the Service.

We have always said that privatization is more expensive than having renholderne employed in the Armed forces. This was one of the conditions we warned against. The defense has more than enough of a security clearance for personnel. When renholderne comes on top, is the trust labor-intensive and cost highly uncertain, ” says Leirvaag.

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– Willed policy

the Situation in the Service proves that the government’s privatiseringsprosjekt not conducive to cut costs, think Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap), who heads the foreign and forsvarskomiteen in Parliament.

– This has LO long warned against because the requirements for security clearance lead to higher costs for the Defense. Through privatization cut in the employees ‘ pensions, but regninga comes back in the form of increased expenses for security. Permanent employees in safe work provides the best security for the Defense, says Huitfeldt.

She is joined by Kirsti Bergstø (SV) in work and sosialkomiteen.

I’m not surprised. This clearly shows that the privatiseringsiveren to the government is based on renspikket ideology. When public employees perform serious work of high quality, denoting it as an item of expenditure. When the private performing the same type of job under worse conditions, they believe that there is value creation, ” says Bergstø.

She think we will see more adverse impact of privatization under the blåblå the government.

– This is the conscious and willed policy, not an unintended consequence of the award. In a workplace where people are pushed to deliver more square meters clean floors in less time, the costs of sick leave and disability insurance will increase.

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Staff was sick

Director for hire in the Service, David Halvorsen, describes the use of the Securitas as a deviation. According to Halvorsen selected several of Forsvarsbyggs own employees to opt-out of to be with over to the ISS. These should continue to wash the main building at Grev Wedels plass in Oslo until it was clarified whether they were given other tasks within the Norwegian defence estates agency, or whether they had to quit the job. Then it suddenly occurred disease at about the same time that ISS was to take over the cleaning, had the Norwegian defence estates agency hire more cleaning staff from the ISS than foreseen, ” says Halvorsen.

They could not receive security clearance on short notice. Therefore, we had to provide personnel that could follow them around. The first few weeks we used our own employees, but when we saw that the situation would last, we chose to hire the guards from Securitas, ” he says.

Why did it take three months to get the sikkerhetsklarert the extra rengjørerne from the ISS?

– In the period we were inside, it took three to six months to clear the personnel, when we were inside a omleggingsfase, ” says Halvorsen.

He would not say how much the agreement with the ISS costs the Norwegian defence estates agency. Questions about the konkurranseutsettingen has been profitable for the Norwegian defence estates agency, shows Halvorsen department of Defense. He’d rather not answer about the costs of the security measures have increased since ISS took over the cleaning.

also Read: Cries over closures

calculate profit

the ministry of Defence expects, however, to have saved 50 million on privatization since ISS took over 1. may to september, writes special adviser Birgitte Frisch in an e-mail to Dagsavisen.

Frisch confirms that the Defense has had difficulties with a security clearance for all renholderne, but will not answer how many who stood in line for security clearance when ISS took over the 1. may or how many are in the queue now.

– the Safeguarding of security is a high priority. Security clearance of the cleaning staff was a challenge in the beginning, but it’s been working systematically to bring down the processing time for the clearance, and the number of trusted cleaners has now increased significantly. The Norwegian defence estates agency have used Securitas-guards have been necessary until a sufficient number of cleaning staff is trusted, she writes.


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