Friday, November 4, 2016

Hijabforbud encounter resistance – Sunnmørsposten

Two employees at the Blidensol nursing home in Stavanger, norway reviewer the nursing home for discrimination after the board of directors at the nursing home 2. september passed a resolution to ban the use of hijab. The case is also appealed to the Equality and anti – discrimination.

the nursing home is a private ideal nursing home, but the Ap representative Sahfana M. Ali, sitting in the kommunalstyret for living conditions, promotes now a question where she asks rådmannen “enter into dialogue with the board on Blidensol nursing home, in order to come to a solution that is best for all parties”, writes NRK. Partikollega Gunnar Berge will take up the matter in administrasjonsselskapet.

the Mayor of Stavanger Christine Sagen Helgø (H) take the distance from the prohibition: – It is an unacceptable decision. It is not the headscarf-ban in Norway.

head of Department Elisabeth Lier Haugseth at the Equality and anti-discrimination ombud (LDO) says to Dagsavisen that she has a hard time to see that the arguments to the nursing home are durable.

the Ban is justified with the residents ‘ well-being, and it is pointed out that people with dementia function best in familiar and safe surroundings. (©NTB)


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