Wednesday, November 2, 2016

– Excited and curious – NRK

There are the four fiscal talspersonane in the Right side, Frp, KrF and the Left which opens the ballet. Them to turn around questions about the tax, assistance and family policy. And about the green shift, although the government will not be on the dance.

– Package is fixed

Siv Jensen and Erna Solberg (H) has stated that they will not increase drivstoffavgiftene with more than 15 cents on gasoline and 35 cents on diesel. And now, underlines the minister of finance that it is fixed.

– We must be the villege to see the different innspela the Progress and the Left will come with. But it is something we have said we will not do something more on, ” says Jensen.

– And it says you stuck on?

It stands I am stuck on. The green shift is a heilheitleg package which hang together, and so far it is responsible to go in one year’s budget.

Deal or no deal?

– There are many other important item in the budget, it is possible to negotiate. And I understand that it is important for the Left to reinforce the green character of the budget, although this budget is proppfullt of much good to the climate and environmental policy. But I’m sure they will come up with innspel that it can forhandlast about in parliament.

Think it will be tough negotiations

Siv Jensen to not sitting in forhandlingsrommet, but is curious about what happens there. And don’t think just the host any søndagsskule.

I am sure it will be tough negotiations, it will be there always. That the Progress and the Left wants to set his stamp on the budget should only be missing, but I am of course curious about it. The good things in the government’s budget proposal must be taken care of, while at the same time we find room for the important satsingar for the Progress and Left, ” says Jensen.

What are you villeg to four?

I don’t think we should start forhandlingane here in the NRK, and they shall keep the charge of the parliament. But I’m excited.

it Can be this design was proven?

I am greatly concerned that the country will get a good budget for next year, and then I think that we should concentrate on to negotiate a good result rather than to talk about the crisis of musick.


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