Saturday, November 5, 2016

Breeds that pelsdyrnæringen to get drive the on – Aftenposten

Several of the political parties in Parliament also alerts you that they will do what they can to stop the proposal and animal protection organizations breeds. Miljøpartiet De Green believes the Government approves the dyreplageri.

So explains agriculture minister’s decision:

Even I who is critical to more regulation than necessary, actually believes that this industry needs it now, said the ministry of agriculture and mr. Jon Georg Dale (progress party) when he presented the white paper on the pelsdyrnæringen Friday.

a Maximum of two in each cage

Usually there are three to five animals in each cage. Among the proposals in the notice is a prohibition against holding two or more mink of the same sex in the same cage. According to the minister, it may measure to reduce the risk of damage from 8-9 per cent to 2-3 per cent.

Pelsdyrnæringen also get stricter documentation requirements, such that requirements become more equal to those found for other livestock.

For me, it is relatively obvious that pelsdyrnæringen must adhere to the same rules as other production, ” says Dale.

In the new rules it is proposed also that the animals are going to get more stimulating aktivitetsobjekter, better adapted to the feed and that it should be introduced more stringent requirements for the use of nakketang on the reef.

With the actions we take now, it will be the basis to continue pelsdyrnæringen. Norway will be in the forefront internationally when it comes to animal welfare in the pelsdyrnæringen, said Dale.


the Message discusses a controlled winding-up of the industry, and going forward that it will lead to economic losses for farmers and probably also for the economy.

I think that if you prohibit the Norwegian pelsdyrproduksjon, so the only thing you will achieve is to push production to countries with weaker regulations, ” said Dale. He also said that even if the report shows that it is possible to prohibit the breeding, so it will be difficult to maintain the ban on import of fur and thus the demand for imported fur increase.

- Scandalously

the Country’s protection and safeguarding associations rages over the decision.

– It is unsustainable and unconscionable that the government does not processes the the industry. I’m shocked at how little they have taken into account veterinærfaglige council and the Norwegian faginstanser which states that it is burdriften in itself that is the problem. The cages are cramped, and the animals do not get lived out their natural needs, ” says NOAH director and veterinarian Siri Martinsen to the NTB.

She accuses the government of putting commercial considerations of animal welfare.

- Makeup brura

head of communication at Dyrevernalliansen, Live kleveland also, call the heightened requirements for “makeup brura”.

– This is no significantly stricter requirements and not measures that will stop the dyremishandlingen in pelsdyrnæringen, says kleveland also.

– Dyrplageri

Several of the political parties in Parliament also alerts you that they will do what they can to stop the proposal. Pelsdyrnæringen has today the support of the coalition parties, the centre party and the Christian democratic Party, but opposition is growing in the Right, where the matter will be up for voting during the congress in the spring.

Left, SV and Miljøpartiet De Green rages over the government’s decision.

– the Government approves the systematic dyreplageri, believes that the MDGs Une Aina Bastholm.

the central party happy

the Left of the alerts that they will lift the case into the ongoing budsjettforhandlingene in Parliament. Also the Labour party is criticizing the decision and asking for a controlled winding down, while the centre party praises the decision. The Sp is, however, concerned that the new requirements are too stringent.

Industry critical to the requirements

Pelsdyrnæringen even believe the heightened requirements provide very difficult conditions for the industry, if they do not receive more in public subsidies.

– This is the worst possible solution, and in conflict with what pelsdyrutvalget allow to reason about the real sustainability, ” says chairman of the board of NorgesPelsdyralslag, Bertran Trane Skadsem.

the Requirement of a maximum of two mink in a cage will lead to an average pelsdyrfarm will have to invest 3 to 3.4 million, according to the industry.

Friday, may pelsdyrbransjens future be settled Aftenposten mean: No to pelsdyrhold


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