Monday, November 14, 2016

Against skattestrid in the Right-hand – ABC News

the Deadline to suggest changes to the programforslaget go out on Wednesday. According to the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen has in particular the proposal to not remove the net wealth tax completely, just on working capital, several to the to wrinkle of the nose. The proposal presented by the chair of the programme committee chair, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, in september.

Many are sceptical that the Right to cancel the own ambitions for tax cuts and to remove the net wealth tax, ” says the head of the Oppland Right, Svein Håvar Korshavn. Fylkeslaget will together with Nord-Trøndelag, Sogn og Fjordane and Oslo oppose the proposal. Others in the party are more positive.

We agree in the formulation of moderate tax cuts in the next election period. It does not make sense to go very hard to work after just having landed a broad taxation reform in Parliament, says fylkesleder Yngve Brox in Sør-Trøndelag.

There is also depends to the contrary about pelsdyrnæringen, financial support and child benefit. (©NTB)


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