Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A young man killed – one seriously injured in the assumed knivangrep in the Narvik Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): on Tuesday evening, police were notified of a possible traffic accident at Skjombrua in Narvik.

the Message went out that a car was driven into a rock face.

When the police came to the place, it turned out to be more than a traffic accident.

On the spot found the police namely the two young men severely injured, probably with injuries from stikkvåpen.

one of them had such severe injuries that he died on the spot, despite attempts on the life-saving first aid. The other was transported to hospital by air ambulance.

- Information from those who were on the site suggests that it is knivangrep, says politiinspektør Steffen Ravnåsen to the Newspaper.

The alleged offender ran away from the place in a car stolen from a random passer-by after the accident.

So light the police after the man for almost three hours, before he finally presented itself.

In the pursuit of the perpetrator beat the police to the several places where they suspected that he could keep.

We searched for him here and there, until he finally presented himself, ” says Ravnåsen.

He says that all the people are norwegians, and that the suspected perpetrator is from the Narvik area.

- as far As we know as of now, the two other parties involved also from the area, i.e. the Middle Hålogaland, says Ravnåsen.

Avhøres soon

He will not say more about the circumstances surrounding the incident, or what kind of relationship the people involved have – but says the offender will be questioned as soon as possible.

the Condition of the injured man was described as unstable and unresolved when he came to the hospital earlier in the evening.

He is being treated for serious injuries, but the condition is now stable, says pressevakt Per-Christian Johansen to the Newspaper just before the clock 22.

So far, police have been careful not to give out personal details about the deceased because their families are not notified yet.

Ravnåsen in the police state that all those involved are relatively young.

- He is injured and he is arrested are in their twenties. The person who is died, we have not completely been clarified who is yet, but he also seems to be in the same age, ” says Ravnåsen.

Thought it was only the accident

When the Newspaper spoke with police in the 23-time Tuesday, was the alleged offender is still not questioned.

He is not formally charged yet, but is charged with kroppsskade to death until we get settled closer to what has happened, ” says Ravnåsen.

When police first responded, they thought that it was just a traffic accident.

Now they are not sure what to call it anymore. It is clear that a car stood in the bergveggen, but whether the supposed knivangrepet happened before or after that the car ended up off the road is unclear.

Police were notified about the incident at 17.38 on Tuesday.

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